Metting the so called queen

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Avebury pov
As me and this women walked in this room. She was quite for a minute. What size are you she asked, I'm a size 5 I said. Well you real thick in all the right places i think the men will love you. What men I asked, you don't know why you hear well let me tell, you are going to be working for me and my husband you sleeping with guys for money basically a prostitute she said. But I'm only 17 I want to go back home I don't deserve to be here I got school and a life ahead of me what I look like being here.babygirl get use to it because once your here there's no way out, we got girls that's been here for 5 even 8 years there is no escape she said. Well I'm leaving soon as I get a chance. And how you going to do that she said catching an attitude. Don't worry about it I said back with the same attitude. Look bitch I'm the queen and I'm your boss I will have you fucked up just by a phone call. Oh so you such a weak bitch you can't fight me by your self. Bitch don't test me she said walking closer. Or what you going to do I said walking closer. Next thing ik she tried to swing on me but the weak bitch missed so I swung back and hit her dead in her mouth then this bitch started screaming like I was killing ha ass or something. Then ant and his crew came running in and I was pushed up against the wall and slapped across my face. I looked up to see an angry ant standing in front of me. What the hell you do to my wife bitch he yelled at me. Before I could respond he picked me up and carried me to his office and closed the door. After that he put a white rag over my face and I blacked out.

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