Left On The Bus...

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A little author's note before we begin. This is going to be a Hey Arnold! fanficton between Helga and Arnold. I will try to complete it. I got rid of my other stories because I just didn't like them. So hopefully I like this one. I'll try to update when I can. Thank you for reading my story.
Helga P.O.V
"Bob,Miriam, I'm leaving for school!" And with that I shut the door and headed down to the bus stop. I boarded the bus and payed my fee. I noticed Rhonda and Lila were already on. Pfftt Lila. Who does she think she is? Anyway, I sat down. I carefully looked both ways before pulling out my locket of Arnold. *sigh* Before I knew it we had already arrived at P.S 118. "P.S 118!" The driver called. That's my stop. I got up and off the bus. Here comes another lame day at school...
Rhonda P.O.V
"And I was like, Nadine your shoes suck." I told Lila as we were getting off the bus. Then I saw something out of the corner of my eye. "Hold on," I stuck my hand out."What's this?". I picked up of what appeared to be a locket. A locket of Arnold it seems. "Oh my." I noticed it could open. Better save that for later. Now I've got some new school gossip to share. Me and Lila finished getting of the bus and headed in to school.

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