I Understand

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Arnold's P.O.V
I felt all eyes on me. All looking for an expression. How I felt. How I'd react. But I was motionless. Helga? I'd never think. Okay maybe I did once, but other than that, never. But how? She hates me to my guts! Always spitting spit balls, always calling me 'football head', always doing mean things to me. There's no way she could have a crush on me! This has to be a mistake. Maybe Rhonda's pulling my leg. "Let me see for my self Rhonda." She handed it over. "Suit yourself." And she headed off to Mr. Simmons class. I should go too. I stashed it in my pocket and went to class. At lunch I could hardly eat. My mind was wondering off. Helga? Helga! It was driving me insane. I removed it from my pocket. "Moment of truth." I whispered to my self. Undoing the clasp once more, my eyes darted down to the bottom instantly. Sure enough. 'Love, Helga G. Pataki' I looked up in distress. Rhonda was telling the truth. What am I supposed to do now? Confront Helga? The main thing was, how? I know I keep asking that, but I just don't understand. I looked at all the things me and Helga have done in our lives. All I saw were our fights. But there was something else I could barely spot. A good moment. The time she saved me from being hurt by Summer. And we built that sand castle. That was a fun time. How she'd always been there for me. Maybe she did have a crush on me. I guess I understand now. But then why was she so mean? Perhaps it was to hide her feelings. I hadn't seen her all day, so I couldn't talk to her. After lunch, I headed back to Mr. Simmons, where in one of the hallways I saw Helga dart across. "Helga?" I followed in pursuit. "Helga, it's me Arnold. I need to talk to you." I spotted her bow sticking out from the lockers. "Helga, you know I can see that big bow of yours." I turned to face her.  Her face all red, eyes big. "Uh, he-hey Ar-Arnold. What's up?" "Helga we need to speak." "Oh, I'm busy right now football head. I um, I'm working on a project!" She said with a nervous smile. "No you're  not, you're hiding behind some lockers." "Okay! Okay! What?!" She said annoyed. "Look, I-"

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