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flames that rage too forcefully, and wisp to smoke too soon
iridescent wave caps flashing all shades of the sun
metal clasps woven tightly around wrists, silver crusted with maroon
vials of poison razing reenforced steel beams
loquacious women and hasty men
eternal damnation and sorrowful hours
fake famine mistaken for passionate lust
toes dipped ever so delicately into ponds
raging wars - with the calvary on the peachy horizon
obsession transgressing to oppression transforming to bruises bigger than her thighs
sharp words slicing skin and arrow heads buried deep into guts
the surreptitious affairs of nimble kisses
gold wreathes and glory days, smiles wide enough to split skin
sunshine dappling along a dusty window sill
a shimmering, evanescent bubble
pupils enlarged beneath opal iris's above knotted tongues
the burdened feathers sinking under a resplendent cloak
embers encased in snow, ice dusted with ash
an avalanche dandelions blinding with their seeds
forbidden kisses stolen by a montague
scandalous tastes acquired by a capulet

what is love?

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