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(pls pls pls read the AN at the end) 


(@ Jayne's Bakery -17:04)

Sam walked in guitar thrown over his shoulder whilst he grinned cheekily at a flour covered Will


"Shut up your trap you guitar wielding git."

"Ouch you wound me," Sam threw back, an over exaggerated pout gracing his lips, "seriously what happened?"

"Tina happened."

Sam grimaced at the sound of Will's temperamental boss and aunt.

"Lay it on me brother"

"Oh it's nothing really just her trying to get me help more in the kitchen, I'm hoping this," Will indicted to his white covered clothing, "will finally make her realise I honestly do not belong back there."

"Are you sure you don't just want to be out here in case you phone crush/catfish comes by again?"

"What? No? I don't have a crush on Rory. I barely know her. She's no one. I don't even know her enough to call her a friend."

Will spoke so quickly, so unbelievably. Sam just gave him a look, a look that said in no finer words:

"Jesus Christ bro, get yourself together"


"Look if you like her that's fine I'm just saying be careful; you've never even seen this girl."

"Rory's not a catfish."

"You're right; she's probably not but at least stop pretending that these daily conversations mean nothing to you because until you do that I'm going to keep teasing you."

And with that Sam jumped over the counter, stole a croissant from the glass cabinet next to Will, jumped back over and left.

"Sayonara Will."

His friend sure knew how to make an exit. 


sam is my fave ngl

so did you enjoy this different version of the dialogue chapters? i really enjoyed writing these and it gives a lil' more depth to rory and will. (you get me?) 

also i'm still struggling with the holiday/update problem. i really want to keep updattes as reguar as possible so imma try and update whilst i'm out there so fingers cross we find wifi a lot. 

thanks for reading buddies :) 

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