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There the two sat there, looking into eachother's eyes watching as the world turned around them. Everything they had been through had led to this point. Slowly the smaller one turned away to look out at the world below.

"I have but one favour to ask of you and

I don't want you to refuse." tears threatened to be shared but the boy held them in reinforcing the barrier he tried to hard to keep up.

"anything my love, I give to you my life and everything I can to offer" the taller one spoke causing the younger to look back getting lost in the wine irises that seemed to hold all the answers of the world.

"I want you to take my life, we have shared a wonderful thing but now my time has come, although you did not give me what I wanted, you gave me what I needed and now there is nothing left. I must move on." as he finished those tears that had been held onto so dearly had shed, rolling down the porcelain skin of the boy.

"i want you to move on, find another and forget all about me, i see what this is doing. What we have is slowly tearing you apart piece by everloving piece. It's killing you and i can't bear to be the one doing so. You are strong but slowly you are being dragged to your knees."

Now it was the older ones turn

"I don't understand my love, do you not wish to stay like this forever?"

"as much as I would like to stay, there is no way, time will turn and so will I, I will slowly fade and you will die inside, the world will fight against us and we can never be what we wish to. We are strong maybe even stronger together, but what empowers you can also be your end, we would kill each other so why not end it now"

The two stared into the other's eyes wishing for the moment to last an eternity but alas, all good things must come to an end. The taller slowly lowered himself onto one knee and placed a hand above his heart not once breaking their gaze before uttering the words that meant the world.

"yes my lord"

The boy smiled down at the man before brushing aside the hair obstructing those crimson eyes.

"goodbye my love, perhaps we shall meet in another life, for now, make me feel pain, show me my life was not meaningless and etch my existence into the fabric of time and space...

I bid you adieu"

The taller one stood tall above the boy and allowed the space around them to fill with darkness as he fulfilled his master's last wishes. He filled the world with the screams he was destined to hear for the rest of his existence.

"I love you my lord, more than a demon like myself should ever feel" and like that the time in which they spent together was ended and the boys soul was engulfed by the black and consumed by the one he loved the most.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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