Matt Espinosa

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Hey guys. I'm going to rant about the guy that I love a lot. I think two guys have majorly impacted my life, but this one is just about Matt. Anyway, read below!
So basically, Matt saved my life (and the other guy I will mention). I got my phone and got Vine. I had heard of Matt from girls talking about Magcon, so I decided to search him first. I added him on Vine first and I watched all of them. I loved them and him. His personality really set him apart from all the other boys to me. I'm not saying that I'm judging him by just watching his Vines. I looked into everything to see if his personality was a real guy, genuine. I watched his YouTube videos and instantly fell in love. Not necessarily with him, but with the happiness he brought to me and everybody else. I just loved him.

As you may know, on his YouTube channel, he has recently done a week of videos called the #Espinosa1Week. The videos were very good and inspiring. He did these because his movie, Be Somebody came out (I bought it on iTunes.)

I don't know if anybody has had this type of feeling in their life time, but I get sucked into a world, with Matt and everyone perfect. My mom yells at me to come back to reality and get off my phone, but what reality is there to come back to? It's 2016 and the human race is destroying themselves, one by one. With hate and anger. With Matt, his videos bring me happiness, and I love them.

So yeah, basically he saved me from this crashing world we know as Reality. It's hard to face it, right?

Rants on Rants on RantsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora