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I forget who's rant book I found this on, but I'm going to do it.

Someone you don't know

Middle name

Shoe size
11 😒

Eye color

Last time I cried
I'm not telling the story, but it was about my older brother

Biggest fear
Being alone

Last song I listened to
Trophies by Drake

Last person I texted
Christopher or Jon. I'm too lazy to check.

Relationship status
Single unless being obsessed with Christian Collins counts

Fav sports team
Cowboy! 11-1 baby!

Fav color
Purple or blue

Best friend
Chris, Jon, Paige, and Kyler

Fav celebrity
Christian or Justin Bieber

Any scars
Emotional ones

Kissed anyone

Someone you hate
Not gonna mention names, but let's just say that he wants to build a wall
Jk jk. I really hate people who r fake tho

Ever done drugs?
No and I never will


Am I currently happy
I'm always happy

Do you drink
Don't tell, but I occasionally drink an apple juice box

Last thing I bought
That would probably be a shirt from Spencer's that says "Get Lit" on it with a Christmas tree. It's pretty lit.

Last thing u ate
I just ate three tacos from Taco Bell

Day or Night

Fav lyric
"So many hotel rooms but yet no permanent place."
You Don't Have To Go by Chris Collins

Second chances
Depends on the situation

Pet peeve
When people plan a weekend right in front of you, but don't invite you. Or people stealing my stuff without asking. Or when ur really happy and other people just dampen ur mood.

Random fact
I love summer but Christmas is my fav holiday and time of the year.

Current mood
Tired. I just played a basketball game.

Last book I read
Game by Barry Lyga

Jealous type?

I'm an April fools day baby

Food and Dolan Twins and Christian Collins

Fav song
Mirror by Lil Wayne and Bruno Mars or Tides by Jack and Jack

Worst mistake
Dating Patrick in kindergarten

Someone I trust
Chris and Paige and Kyler

Do you believe in love?

Are you okay?
What type of question is that?

Are you okay?What type of question is that?

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