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I look in the mirror
I see hatred, and disgust
My stomach, my face, my ass
No one would lust

I notice pimples, bags,
And freckles galore
I try to hide it with makeup
But I just look like a whore

To judge someone
To give them pain
To know their just like you
But you still act as if you reign

To downgrade them
And feel as though your above
To tell them to go away
And give them no mercy or love

People hurt
People cry
People change
People try

So I look in the mirror and say
Put a smile on that face
Wipe away that tear
And know that you're not a disgrace

I stand up straight
Know that everything is good
It's ok to be

~I hope you all enjoyed this poem! Sorry that it took me so long to write something new! Also sorry about a bit of the language I just felt like it fit! Remember if you have comments, questions, criticism, or suggestions for a poem just comment on any of these poems! So glad that more people are reading, and hopefully liking these poems!!! Thank you for reading this!~
~Yours Truly,

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