Everything & Nothing

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Darkness fades as the new world appears
The still cries of a voice echo the room with piercing joys
Pearls of white with tints of color act as blinding rays of happiness
Leading to humanity and life that is so distant
It feels impossible to find it
Shivers of cold run through me like a corpse in a coffin
Sealed tight so that that superlative light can no longer be seen
The light dims again
And you are alone in a darkness that is swallowing you whole
Until you are completely shut out;
I open my eyes and see this world
It is new and full unlike the abyss I had left
Not of persons but of promises
That society will prevail

Hi guys... It seems like it's been a million years, but I'm back, and hopefully will be writing more frequently! Inspiration can be hard to find. This poem is a metaphor for birth in a sense, but take it and read it however you please! I hope y'all liked it!!! Please, if you have any thoughts, complaints or ideas, feel free to leave that in the comments section! If you enjoyed this poem, please vote for it! It means a lot to know people actually read these and enjoy them! Thanks again for reading this!!!
~Yours truly,

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