Freedom Comes at a Price

16 1 0

My hands are raw,
My feet are bare,
I work & slave,
And hope I'm spared

We're apart from the world,
But together as one,
Without mothers and fathers,
Without daughters and sons

Our freedom is coming,
We all pray during the night,
Let this journey be over,
Let our freedom take flight

Yet more seem to die,
And more begin to run,
But we will still stand,
With hand in hand we won

~Hey guys! Sorry that it has been so long since I've been writing! I just have been really busy with school and theatre!!! Thanks so much for reading this entry! Again, if you have any thoughts, questions or ideas for more poems, please leave them in the comments section! And if you really enjoyed this poem or any of my others please vote for it or and it to your library so I know that I'm not just a loser writing lame poems!!! Thanks again for reading this!!!~
~Yours truly,

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