No Reflection

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Chapter 2 – No Reflection

Marilyn reached out towards the young woman as she began to fade, taking a hold of her hand and dragging her back out of the light that threatened to consume her. Her eyes locked with his and he finally asked her his burning question.

“What is your name?” he asked desperately as her fingers slipped from his. “Tell me your name!”

As she faded into nothing, Marilyn heard her whispered reply. “Winter…Winter Meadows…find me…


Marilyn’s eyes snapped open and he breathed in sharply…he had her name…


Winter woke with a start as the front door slammed shut. She looked at the dust particles floating in the sunbeams that poured through her window and sighed. “Morning…” she looked down as her hand felt paper…the customary note her father always left for her, always apologising for what he knew he’d down whilst too drunk to control himself. A single, shining tear trickled down Winter’s cheek as she pressed the note over her heart. “Dad…”

With a heavy heart, Winter dragged herself out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom opposite her room. She grimaced as she looked in the mirror. She wasn’t anywhere near the girl she used to be when she looked in the mirror…she was a ghost… she was less than nothing now. She couldn’t see herself when she looked in the mirror now… she had no reflection. A sad half-smile tugged at Winter’s lips as she surveyed the damage her fathers’ drunken rage had enacted upon her pale skin. The bruise under her left eye wasn’t nearly as bad as she’d thought it would be…but where he’d hit her elsewhere and his kicks had left dark purple bruises.

Sighing degenerately, Winter stripped and stepped into a scalding hot shower…trying to burn away the evidence of what her once loving father had done. She let her mind wonder back to the dream…it had changed ever so slightly. It had all been the same, except this time…he’d asked her name…and she’d given it gladly. Even though it was just a dream, having his know her name made Winter feel better…

With a resentful sigh, Winter shut the water off and wrapped a towel about herself as she stepped out of the shower. She leant against the bathroom sink tiredly as she wiped the fog off the mirror with one hand. As she looked at herself again, Winter noticed the hot water had brought colour back into her cheeks, making them rosy…but that colour began to fade as she thought of having to go and face the world again. Was it even worth it?

Winter’s eyes fell on her father’s box of razors, a dark thought flitting across her mind; her face blank as she reached out towards them. The sound of her phone ringing brought her out of her trance and she mentally slapped herself.

‘What on Earth do you think you were doing, Winter? You stupid girl!’ her conscience pretty much yelled at her as she dashed back to her room and answered her phone. “Hello?”

Hey, Meadows! You coming out today or what?!”  Winter smiled at the sound of her best friends’ voice.

“Hey, Lacey…” she sniffled a little. “Yeah, I’m coming…where are you?”

I’ll be at yours in five…coffee?” she asked, her voice overly animated for just a normal call.

“That’d be great.” Winter smiled as she slipped on her black lace knickers and bra, grey skinny jeans and a Rolling Stones singlet top. “You seem excited…” she raised an eyebrow at her friends’ enthusiasm as she pulled on her favourite pair of converse.

Winter winced as Lacey squealed into the phone. “I have an epic surprise for you!” she gushed as Winter heard her open a squeaky door. “I’m just getting coffee…see you in a bit, love!

“Okay…bye!” Winter hung up as she headed back into the bathroom. She sighed as she looked at herself again…still no real reflection… “Oh well…” sighing again, she applied just enough makeup to hide the bruise under her left eye. She finished as the doorbell buzzed and ran to the door, reefing it open and pulling Lacey inside and hugging her. “Friend!”

Lacey laughed. “Hey…careful…hot coffee here!” Winter let go of her friend and they went to sit in the lounge room. “So? How’re the illustrations for our new book coming?”

“Yeah, really well…they’re nearly done actually, I’ll get them for you in a minute.” Winter smiled and took the coffee Lacey handed to her as they sat. “So…what’s this epically exciting news you have for me?”

“Oh, yes!” Lacey nearly jumped out of her seat. “So, you know how we’re both fans of the same bands, right?” she eyed Winter cautiously until she nodded, then grinned again. “Well, Marilyn Manson is touring again and he’s got Motionless In White as his supporting act…” she paused for effect and Winter felt her heart skip a beat. “And I just so happened to get us tickets!” Lacey squealed with excitement as Winter’s jaw dropped. “And, that’s not all!” Lacey’s grin grew wider. “I got us back stage passes! We’re gonna meet the bands!”

“I’m going to meet Marilyn Manson?” Winter asked quietly, pinching herself to make sure she really was awake.

“Yeah!” Lacey leant back into the comfy cushions on the lounge. “Isn’t that, like…your dream or something?”

Winter’s voice became almost inaudible as fear twisted her stomach. “You’ve no idea…”

“You know what this means!” Lacey pulled her shocked friend into a warm hug. “We’re going to Jacksonville, baby!”

“Yeah…” Winter smiled a little. Maybe they would find each other after all…


HI! Yes, I'm still at it. This one's shaping up nicely if you ask me ;)

Also, I co-wrote chapter 3 of 'The Beautiful People' by and_yeah

She dedicated the chapter to me so you should be able to find it pretty easy. Tell us what you think!

Oh, don't forget to comment and vote!

Much love to you all,


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