Lay Down Your Goddamn Arms

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Chapter 10 – Lay Down Your Goddamn Arms

Winter was at the Marilyn Manson merchandise table, chatting with a fellow fan about Twiggy and all his shenanigans when she spied a dark figure in her peripheral vision to her left. She jumped and spun to look again, shaking slightly when she saw no one there.

“You okay sweetie?” the fan she’d been talking to asked, frowning and looking in the same direction Winter had.

“Y-yeah…just…thought I saw someone I shouldn’t have…” Winter replied and motioned for Joyce, the other merchandise girl on today that she was leaving for a moment before doing her best not to run as she made her way over to the signing table and tells Marilyn.

“Hey honey.” Marilyn said quietly as she crouched next to him; trying to stop shaking

“It’ll be okay… just head back to the tour bus if she didn’t feel safe out here, Joyce can finish up with the merchandise.” Marilyn smiled at her encouragingly. “Trust me.”

“Okay…I’ll tell Joyce where I’m headed…” Winter swallowed, looking around cautiously.

“Righteo, love.” Twiggy smirked, mimicking an English accent. “We’ll be there shortly.”

“Okie dokie, then.” Winter smiled and blushed when Marilyn pulled her down into a hug and kissed her in front of the large group of fans in front of the signing table.

With a wave at the cheering fans, Winter ran out of the signing tent and back over to Joyce; quickly telling her where she was headed. After Joyce assured her it was fine, Winter made her way back to the tour bus, walking quickly as she felt eyes burning into the back of her skull…cringing at the sound of a second set of feet…


Marilyn smiled as the last person left the signing table and leant back, stretching backwards over his chair and jumping as Twiggy poked him in the side; smacking his long-time friend up the back of the head as he laughed at him. “Oi! Idiot!” Marilyn glowered, but laughed with Twiggy anyway.

That was…until they heard a blood-curdling scream. Twiggy and Marilyn’s horror-filed eyes snapping towards each other as they spoke together, “Winter!

They all jumped to their feet and sprinted in the direction of the scream but, as they heard the sound of screeching tyres fade away…they knew they were too late…


Winter gasped as she felt someone grab her, screaming as her mouth was covered by a foul smelling cloth, the last thing she hears is a scratchy voice whisper. “Gotcha…”

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