The Gardener

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Chapter 6 – The Gardener
{Winter POV}

Winter looked up as she heard the bus door open and gave Marilyn a confused smile as he came in, walked over to her and grabbed her hand as he grinned. “Run!

“What?! Why?!” Winter asked in alarm…then she heard the other guys yelling out battle cries. “Oh!”

“Yeah, water fight!” Marilyn grinned wickedly at her as he dragged her off the bus and she laughed a little as she ran with him away from the bus to hide behind some benches a little ways away. Winter smirked as she peeked over the top of the bus and saw the guys all sneak onto the bus, no doubt hoping to find them still in there; laughing when she heard Twiggy yell to them that they were chicken shit for hiding. “Hey,” Marilyn nudged Winter softly and she ducked down again, looking at him oddly when he handed her a water pistol. “You’ll need it.” Marilyn smirked at her and Winter took the loaded water pistol from him.

“Okay…so we got out of the bus…where to now, exactly?” Winter asked dubiously. “They’ll see us if…” she trailed off as Marilyn smirked again. “Oh…we’re attacking from here?! But it’s out in the open!”

“Shh!” Marilyn hushed her, peeking over the top of the benches. “They’ll hear you…”

“Good!” Winter whisper yelled and tugged Marilyn down again. “I don’t fancy getting wet tonight!”

Marilyn’s eyes glinted mischievously at her words and he leant in so that he was barely and inch from her face. “Oh baby…I could make you change your mind so fast you’d get whiplash…”

A small smirk flickered across Winter’s lips. “Challenge…accepted…”

“Gotcha!” Winter heard Twiggy yell behind her and she spun, ducking out of the way of the beam of water he sent her way and laughing at the look of irritation on Marilyn’s face. “Oh, shit…” Twiggy said, backing up a few paces as Marilyn stood and Winter scrambled to her feet.

Winter’s eyes bugged as she saw Lacey with the Motionless in White guys. “Bitch! Why are you with them? What happened to ‘sisters before misters’?!”

“Ricky happened.” Lacey shrugged and then let out  a shocked squeal as Balz shot water at her. “Oi!” she backed away as Ricky smirked wickedly. “Winter! Help!”

“Oh, of course I have to help you.” Winter smirked then saw Marilyn looking at her in a way she didn’t like. “On second thoughts…” Winter ran off towards Laney. “Heads up Lace!” she called to her friend who ducked just in time for the water to miss her and hit Ricky in the face, Balz and Chris laughing so hard they fell over.

“Oi! I didn’t say get my boyfriend!” Lacey smirked, squirting Winter as Ricky shook water from his hair.

“I’m sorry, you failed to mention that when you screamed ‘Winter! Help!’” Winter smiled as she glared at her friend, shooting water back at her.

“I didn’t think it’d turn into a ‘girls in wet clothes’ thing so fast…” Winter heard Twiggy laugh and looked down at herself.

“Smart ass!” she smiled evilly as she shot the rest of the water she had at Twiggy, running off as Marilyn began chasing her. “Hey! No fair! Your legs are longer than mine!” she laughed as she ran behind a block of public toilets in the parking lot they were running around in. she saw a tap by the other corner and ran to it, refilling just as she saw Marilyn come around the corner; wicked smile in place.

Oh Winter…” Marilyn laughed in a creepy sing-song voice as he walked towards her slowly.

“Oh, hell no!” winter squealed as he fired at her and she fired back, laughing triumphantly when she hit him before slipping and falling backwards.

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