Alya's POV

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I was talking to my soulmate, Nino, on the phone for like an hour and, he was sick, he wouldn't be at school. I had found out that he was my soulmate about a week ago. (NO. DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.) I looked at the time, it was 7:46 am, I should probably head out.

As I crossed the street, I wondered when another akuma attack would take place, the LadyBlog was empty. I looked for Marinette, where was she? Probably slept in... Again..

As I waited for the bell to ring, Marinette approached the school. I was about to walk up to her, but she was walking towards someone else, her crush. I decided to sit and listen.

"H-Hi Adrien."

"Hi Marinette."

"I.. do you... m-mark have a happen to that t-this matches one? Uh.. Mean I was that what... Uhh..." She pointed to her wrist, showing her mark.

"Oh, my mark? It's-"

"Adrikins.." Chloe walked up to Adrien. "Why are you talking to this... thing..." Chloe pointed to Marinette, who was now raging with anger.

She calmed down after I placed my hand onto her shoulder.

"She's not worth the time of day." I told her.

I heard Chloe make a small "hmph" and I watched her walk off. Marinette mouthed something inaudible to me as I slowly backed away.


I heard Marinette start to talk again. "So, mark see I may the?"

"What? Oh, right." He took off his jacket that he had on to reveal his mark.

Marinette looked like she was about to explode from happiness, but the bell rung, so she just jumped over to me.

~Lazy Author Time Skip~

It was after school when I heard a loud noise, and a booming female voice that was muffled from where I was. I took out my phone and started to record, but by the time I got to the scene, a camera-man and reporter were on the sidewalk, sleeping.

Confused, I recorded it anyways, hey, it's for my blog, and that needs serious help.

Ladybug arrived at the scene.

"Ugh, where's Chat?" She whispered

"Looking for me, M'lady?" Chat asked with a bit of flirt in his tone.

As Ladybug sighed and rolled her eyes she said, "C'mon Chat. We have an akuma to defeat."

"What do you think the item is?" He asked.

"It's the bracelet." Ladybug replied, I heard a crack in her voice, which meant she was unsure

After an hour of recording them fighting the akuma, Ladybug summoned her Lucky Charm.

"A wired fish-hook? What am I supposed to do with this?" She asked herself.

She looked around, spotting different places and items.

Adrinette-SoulmatesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin