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      Friends. That can mean a lot of things can't it. Like friends are the ones you can trust,"friends" are the ones were you just can't tell them anything about yourself. You're too afraid that they may not like you for that one little thing about you or that they might start bullying  you for it. We all have different types of friends. Fake, best, worst, and true. I'm going to talk about my friends. I met them about a week ago.
        This really attractive guy walked over and asked if I wanted to play cards with his group. I said yes. I didn't know at the time this one little small word could bring tears, hugs, and trust into the week ahead. I walked over and a very sweet girl treated me like her best friend, like we have known each other for years! Then this cute guy taught me how to play and very fun card game called Mow. All of these people were so nice they treated me no different than all of their other friends. That was one of the many things I liked about them.
         Later on that day they got to know me a little bit better and I got to know them better. The attractive guy went on an icy date with a random girl. I hung around because I wanted to know him a little more without asking the questions and plus the rest of the group went to the gift shop, also I wanted to hear his voice. Plus I was just a really nice friend.
         After chapel we went back to the cabin and sat outside on the grass. The first two grown the attractive guy were both outside with me. The girl asked,"have you told her yet?", after she said that I looked at him and then he told me. That moment after he told me he looked at me with what looked like worry and hope. Then I said,"I don't care.", he sided with release gave me a huge hug and said thank you!
        As I laid in my bed that night I couldn't stop thinking how much he must trust me. Not only did I felt honored inside but I also felt grateful. I knew after that day we would all be friends.
To be continued .........
With Tuesday

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