Wednesday part 2

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So after I cried for a minute or two I asked the attractive guy if he could go upstairs with me to write some notes to people. Little did he know I was going to talk to him. My heart was racing going up the stairs, praying to God that he would still be my friend after this. Before I went upstairs I looked up a verse in my bible. It was Philippians 4:6- Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving let your requests be made known in God. So we went upstairs and I asked him if he knew God. He said ya I got saved last year here. I asked him that about 3 times. After we talked about it he said,"aww Dani your such a sweet worrying about me like that! That's soO sweet!". After that we hugged. (We were breaking the rule a LOT by showing PDA by hugging. But who cares!😂) then we actually started to write notes to people. While we were writing notes I was thanking God that he liked that I was trying to help him and that we were even better friends than before!
After we wrote all of the notes we went down stairs and just started talking about our life and stuff. I could also tell that the very sweet girl and the cute guy were glad that we were still friends. Well I think that they knew that I talked to him just then. I don't really know though. The attractive guys started to talk with this girl named Amy about what went on upstairs. I was glad that he wanted to share with other people that he has a great friend who would have the nerve and the chase of loosing him as a GREAT friend. I would do that with any of my friends. The cute guy his mini me, the very sweet girl, and to the turtle girl. I would tell all of my friends the gospel if they needed to hear it.
To be continued...
With Thursday. Look➡️⬇️

To: Cassidy,Jordan, and Luke!
I love you guys soo much and I don't know what I would do without you guys!😘💜💚💙❤️

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