Chapter Two: Bad News

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From a polished double-doors set, Prince Donovan watched Prince Everin, Brenna, Aberith, and a child with flowing brown hair of perhaps twelve exits and begin to walk towards them. Something terrible had happened, for there was no smile upon their faces; each bore a look as if made of stone. Without hesitation, Donovan suddenly felt cold, though the day was enjoyable. He had been dreading further news of the battle to defend Etria; the alliance had not been fully prepared to defend the city.

"My friends, even though we are about to enjoy a sumptuous banquet tonight, it is my sad duty to announce Etria has fallen. Anna has asked to tell all of you about the outcome of the battle for the great capital City of Caladore," Aberith said with a sad face.

"Etria, the great Sister City of Caralon, has been set afire, and all have abandoned it. Bemenah's armies have suffered heavy losses while attempting to capture it. The great city was destroyed to keep General Anktar's armies from pillaging its vast stockpiles of food and supplies. Yet, the alliance had won a victory of sorts. The city's inhabitants survived and are marching towards Kandalare. Today, they travel alongside many wagons laden with what General Anktar desired most," Anna said solemnly.

Amongst the men gathered under the shade tree, a great cry filled the air. Etria was known far and wide to be the most fantastic fortified city of the civilized lands. Its fall came as an immense shock to everyone gathered there.

"Father," a voice cried out behind Donovan.

Donovan turned to see Morgan standing upright, despite the fact she now shook uncontrollably. He rushed to her side to comfort her. Prince Donovan thought he would be sick to his stomach, though the news did not affect him as badly, for he had already braced himself for the possibility of this outcome.

"Etria has now fallen, and everything is still going Bemenah's way. When will it be enough? We need to smash the enemy compellingly. Sir Alfred growled while shaking his fist in rage.

"Not everything, we still live, and the sanctuary is almost within reach. Besides us, walk allies that are steadfast in their beliefs and who are courageous. These are the times when we need to be thankful for what we have, as we stand firmly together," Changa said while placing a hand on Sir Alfred's shoulder.

"My people will march with you to the sanctuary and would see this quest through to the end. Now is the time to stand steadfast in our faith and beliefs," Prince Everin said, standing tall. "We shall not buckle at the hands of the enemy so quickly. Doubt not our resolve and commitment, for we stand beside you as friends.

"As long as I live and breathe, I will fight against Bemenah's evil. Our people must know there is still hope. We can ill afford any further losses to the armies of Bemenah. Anna, what else do you see?" Donovan inquired.

"The Great Mother has set before you a mighty quest, which will decide the fate of the alliance for all time. War's dark tide will shake every nation of this world. Each of your fights to claim your children's birthright to stand up and be counted among those who will forge a new world."

"Does my father yet live?" Morgan asked with a quavering voice.

"King Aramus still lives, though he suffered injuries in battle. His life was saved by one who, with great courage, sacrificed his own. Your father and people now march beside friends and allies, towards Kandalare," Anna said quietly. Her eyes now glowed a faint silvery blue.

An oppressive gloom hung heavy over all who stood upon the hill. Fear and despair now filled the hearts and minds of all. Everyone knew the defense of the alliance rested upon the sister cities of Etria and Kandalare. Now, Kandalare stood alone against the dark tides of Bemenah's armies.

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