Running Away With My Heart

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I shouldn't love you but I want to

I just can't turn away

I shouldn't see you but I can't move

I can't look away

It's getting hard to be around you

There's so much I can't say

Do you want me to hide the feelings

And look the other way

And I don't know how to be fine when I'm not

'Cause I don't know how to make a feeling stop.”

- Just So You Know, JESSE McCARTNEY


“Is something wrong, honey?”

When Rebecca raised her eyes from her plate of sliced fruit, the glow of excitement from earlier, when they had picked up the dress, was faded slightly.

“No.” She smiled, but it seemed forced, strained.

“This is your mother you're talking to.” Colleen lifted one neatly sculpted eyebrow. “What's wrong?”

The younger woman poked at a slice of cantaloupe with her fork. “I'm worried about Noble.”

“Why?” Colleen set down her fork.

“He seems so...stressed lately.” Rebecca said. “Distracted. We used to talk about the wedding all the time, made plans for after we were married. But now...” Her lips pressed tight as she stared at her nearly untouched fruit. “He doesn't even mention it. And when I's almost like it makes him uneasy.”

Colleen wasn't oblivious to the change in the young man either. Nearly overnight, it seemed, Noble had changed from his usual easy going, light hearted demeanor – to being stressed and on edge and battling anxiety attacks. She was as baffled as her daughter as to the sudden change in the man.

“Sometimes the pre-wedding jitters hit sudden, and cause anxiety.” Colleen offered with assurance, though she detected the doubt in her own words. “I'm sure everything is fine.” Her words carried little conviction. Even Mason seemed somewhat distracted since yesterday, though his concerns centered on Jonah, for whatever reason. He hadn't voiced them aloud, so she was in the dark as to why he felt concerned about his son.

“Maybe you're right.” Rebecca forced another smile and didn't really seem convinced. “Perhaps I'll talk to him this evening. Maybe try to help him work through his anxieties.”

Colleen reached over and covered her daughter's hand with her own. “I'm sure he just needs your reassurances that everything will be all right.”

“I hope so-” Rebecca's smile evaporated as quickly as if it had been slapped off her face.

“Honey?” Colleen frowned. The young woman stared past her, eyes widened a bit. Colleen turned slowly and looked towards the entrance to the restaurant. A young man stood talking to the hostess. He was tall with sandy blond hair, slightly long but stylish, and wearing a navy blue sports jacket with matching slacks. When he turned his head a little, Colleen could detect his strong facial features. He was a good looking man, classically handsome. And even after all these years – she still recognized him.

“Is that...?” She glanced at Rebecca and her insides tightened at the look in the young woman's eyes as she stared, transfixed, at the man.

Rebecca snapped out of her trance and looked away quick, turning her face away as if seeking to shield herself from being seen. “Don't look.” Rebecca whispered tightly to her mom. “I don't want him to see us.”

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