Chapter 1

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"Here's your dorm room key Miss Miller." says my dorm advisor Megan.

"Thanks," I say taking it.

I start to make my way to where I will be living for the next 9 months. The last 3 months have been insanely crazy. Summer's gone and past. Uncle Dave and Aunt Mandi moved to Sylvania. Of course they did this just as I was leaving. My parents have been officially divorced for 2 months. This morning my Dad and brothers said goodbye to me at the airport. I said goodbye to everyone else, including my boyfriend Toews last night. I'm now officially a student at Rivaux College. I go down to where my dorm should be and open the door. I walk in and find one of my 2 roommates. She's dressed in a mini skirt and dress shirt making me feel under dressed in my jeans and a hoodie. She spins around and sees me,

"Oh who are you?" she asks.

"You roommate Angela Miller." I say introducing myself.

"Oh nice to meet you Angela, I'm Makayla."

"Call me Angie," I correct. I hate my real name.

"Where's your stuff?" she asks.

"My cab's holding it."

"You took a cab here?" she asks in disgust.

"Yep be right back!" I say leaving the room and going to the back of the dorm. Wow I've been here for a full 2 minutes and I already don't like my roommate. I go out to my cab, "Thanks how much do I owe you?" I ask the cabbie.

"On the house," he says with a smile.

"Thanks," I say grabbing my bags. I quickly go back inside to my room. When I get there I find Makayla and another girl already in a fight.

"Girls! Girls! Chill!" I say dropping my bags and coming in between the two. "Angela Miller nice to meet you." I say introducing myself to my other roommate.

"Katie," says the girl.

"So what's up?" I ask

"Forget it," she says leaving. A guy comes in carrying multiple bags,

"Katie where do you want these?" he asks.

"Doesn't matter," she replies. He just sets them by the door.

"Thanks Dad," she says hugging him. He mutters a goodbye and leaves.

"So do either of you guys play hockey?" I ask. Makayla snorts,

"Ew gross! Hockey players are stinky and sweaty."

"Well your stuck rooming with one cuz I play." Katie says.

"Make that two, that's why I'm here." I tell them.

"Onto an actually interesting topic," says Makayla, "I get the single bed!"

"Come on Kayla lighten up!" I say.

"Don't call me Kayla. My name's Makayla not Kayla." she snaps.

"And my name's Angela but I go by Angie. It's called a nickname." I say sarcastically. Katie smiles,

"I can tell that we're going to get along great! Do you want top or bottom bunk?" she asks me.

"Preferably top,"

"Sweet I got bottom!" she says. I grab my bags that I kinda dropped at the door when I found Makayla and Katie fighting. I drag my stuff over to my bunk.

"Where should I stash my gear?" I ask Katie.

"By Makayla's bed," she says mischievously.

"You do that and it won't end good." Makayla says. Just as she says that Megan comes in,

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