Chapter 2

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When I get back to my room I find Katie hooked up an amazing flat screen TV with full sound system.

"Holy cow!" I say walking in hearing the bass pounding.

"Like my going away gift?" Katie asks.

"Dude my going away gift was a one way plane ticket so I could get out here." I say checking everything out.

"Look at this!" she says changing the channel to a replay of the game when Chicago won the Stanley Cup.

"Dude this picture is amazing!"

"Yep," she says as she turns down the TV. "So how was dinner with Brian?"

"It was great." I say flopping onto a bean bag chair. "Did you bring these too?" I ask.

"Yep, so it was just great?"

"What should it be?" I say grabbing the remote to turn up the volume. She yanks it back,

"Uh no I don't think so, we're talking about this!" I throw my head back,

"What's there to talk about?"

"Don't you have friends back home who you do this with?"

"No, I don't do girly stuff like this at home."


"Um well it would kinda hurt my image as a hockey player."

"What?" she asks confused.

"Hockey isn't popular in America. Where I live the I'm like the only girl hockey player. So I have to play on a boys team and if I want to be taken seriously I can't participate in those things."

"Well now your in Canada so you can adapt those habits."

"But I don't want them."

"To bad your at least trying. Now spill the details."

"Katie," I whine.

"You got the whining part down perfectly." she compliments. "SPILL!" she begs.

"There's nothing to spill." I say. She rolls her eyes,

"Can I watch the game now?" I ask.

"Are you kidding it's a rerun, we both know Chicago wins." she says turning off the TV. "Grab your skates, I wanna hit the ice."


Katie and me grab our skates and head across campus to the Ice Arena.

"Are we allowed to do this?" I ask.

"Sure why not?" We go in and the lights are dimmed. "Come on," she says going to the bench.

"Katie we're going to get in trouble," I say, but I still join her on the bench.

"If they didn't want us in here it would have been locked." she reasons.

"I don't think that will get us off the hook." I say.

"If you were that worried you wouldn't be lacing up your skates." she says grinning. We quickly tie our skates and jump over the boards onto the ice.

"Wow it's nice and smooth." I say gliding across.

"Yeah, I thought someone else would of came and skated today." Katie says. We start to skate around,

"Why didn't we bring sticks?" I ask.

"I don't know," Katie says.

"I got an idea." I say going to the bench and grabbing my phone.


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