Chapter 5

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Monday morning is brutal. It starts by me waking up 15 minutes late. I shower in record timing and skip breakfast bolting out the door. I hurry to where I surprisingly remembered the gym was where they will be handing out schedules. I get into the appropriate line and find Makayla.

"Running late?" Makayla asks smiling.

"Yeah, couldn't of bothered waking me up?" I ask annoyed.

"Angie how was I suppose to know what time you wanted up?"

"I'm pretty sure it was obvious I needed more then 10 minutes to get ready."

"I was up early and left. I met with my friends for breakfast."

"Whatever," I say quietly waiting in line. I quickly get my schedule and look at it. First class, Mr.Bradford Science. Where the heck is that?

"Hey," I turn around and find Brian.

"Thank goodness! Do you know where this class is?" He grabs my schedule smiling,

"Looks like your stuck with me for homeroom."

"Good then you can show me exactly where I need to go." I say taking back my schedule. We start walking to class.

"Ang do you know where any of your classes are?" Brian asks.

"No not really."

"Do you have a campus map?"


"Then how are you going to find your classes?"

"No clue," I say as we walk into the classroom. We find seats by each other and sit.

"Here let me see your schedule." Brian says grabbing it again. He pulls out his own and compares the two. "I think they messed up your math, it says your taking Geometry when you should be in Algebra 1."

"No way I took that class last year I'm not doing it again!" I say. He looks up at me,

"You took Algebra last year?"


"Good you can help me then." he says with a smile returning my schedule. "We have Study Hall, Language Arts, and obviously Science together."

"That's all?"

"3 out of 8 classes isn't bad."

"What about lunch?"

"Nope you have B I got A."

"Great now I can be a loner at lunch."

"That's not true, I haven't seen Derek, Jared or Katie's schedule yet. You could have lunch with them. If anything you'll make friends."

"But I don't wanna!" I whine.

"Angie why are you against making friends?"

"I'm not against making friends, I made friends with Liam didn't I?"

"What about me?" I turn around and find Liam.

"Your in my homeroom?" I ask excited.

"Yep, what's your next class?"

"Here just take my schedule." I say shoving it at him. He drops into the seat on the other side of me.

"Wow you poor thing, we have every class together except math. Your in Geometry?"

"Yeah, but Math's my only good subject. I'm lucky to get B's in the other classes." I say.

"Never accused you of being smart." Liam says laughing.

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