Chapter 3

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The next morning I wake up and it takes a minute to click that I’m at Rivaux. I roll over and Katie’s face is right there. I jump and scream,

“Did I scare you?” she asks.

“Oh no, I’m use to having people watch me as I sleep.” I say sarcastically.

“Good, now go shower. We need to explore!” I sigh,

“I don’t want to explore.” I say.

“Angie for crying out loud! This is all new territory! You can’t tell me that your not the least bit interested of everything that Rivaux has to offer.”

“They have hockey, that’s all I care about.” I say turning over. She shakes me,

“Get up!”

“Katie it’s Saturday, I like to sleep on Saturdays.”

“I’m not leaving you alone until you get your butt out of bed!”

“Go bug Kayla,”

“She’s already up and gone. Why are you so anti-social?” I throw my head back,

“Move and I’ll get up.” 

“No way!”

“Katie move!” I say pushing her. She hops down. I swing over the side of the bed and leap down.

“You know they have ladders for a reason.” she says.

“You should just be glad that I’m out of bed.” I say going to my dresser. I grab some clothes and a towel and head to the bathroom to shower.


After I shower Katie drags me to the cafeteria for breakfast.  We find 2 open seats at an empty table in the back of the cafeteria. I sit down,

“Why don’t we try sitting with somebody?” Katie asks standing next to the table.

“Because apparently I’m anti-social.” I say joking.

“I didn’t say you were I asked if you were.” Katie argues, “By the way you aren’t helping your case by sitting alone.”

“Katie if you want to go and sit with other people go for it, I’m not ready to attempt it.” Katie sighs and sits down next to me,

“What do you mean your not ready to attempt it?”

“C’mon Katie were not in kindergarten anymore, people aren’t as excepting. A lot of people already have their clicks.”

“People are also a lot more mature.” she argues, “This is high school not middle school.”

“Oh please! People are still overly dramatic, and I don’t know if being here 24.7 is going to make matters worse or better.”

“So if people are establishing clicks shouldn’t we join one?”

“Honestly I won’t establish a click if I do establish one it won't be until I meet our hockey team.” I tell her.

“What about until then?” Katie asks.

“I can hang with you, Derek, Jared and, Brian.”

“Why did you put me and Derek together?” she asks blushing.

“I don’t know, I was just listing names.” I say confused, “Why?”

“Nothing!” she says quickly.

“Okay I might be new to this girly stuff but I was never clueless. You're hiding something, What’s going on?” I ask.

“Nothing,” she says determined to stick with that answer.

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