Chapter 7 Explain

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After me and Bill stopped the make out session. I just gazed into him eyes.

"Pine tree I think shooting star what's you" Bill said. I looked behind use and saw Mabel pointing down. I looked at her confused but looked only to see two pairs of eyes that belong to none other then Stan and Ford.

"Um Bill we have some explaining to do" I said looking back at him. When we reach the bottom me and Bill got out the Mabel and Wendy did. We headed over to my gruncles and smiled. They both looked at me.

"You have a lot of explaining to do" Ford said. Then looked at Bill.

"And who is the guy you were making out with" he asked.

"Oh sixer you don't remember me, that hurts" Bill said in his normal voice. Ford looked at me then him.

"So your dating a demon just great does he still have the mind of one" he asked.

"No when he got his human form he lost the insane mind of a deman. But still has the power of one" I said.

"Ok that is all I have to say for tonight put tomorrow we are having a bigger discussion.

"Night pine tree see you tomorrow" Bill said and kissed me one last time before disappearing.

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