Chapter 9

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Levi Ackerman

Waking up to see the beginning of a day that's many's last. I shrug, rubbing Bonnabel's hair as she slept. That meeting with Isabel and Farlen last night wore me out. And then I come in, to see this one wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear, with small bruises on her wrist. I kiss her forehead.

I don't understand where these feelings keep coming from, I literally just met her, and she probably just rode me to my death. But somehow being with her I feel, happy. I feel loved, not a friendly way, a sexual way. Like in between lovers, yet not quite. She might be the death of me, but that death would be hella sweet. My lips pull and contort themselves into a small smirk. I stand sit up and run my hand through my hair. I look into the palm of the same hand, my right hand afterwards. "What happened?" I asked myself.

?Mystery Pov?

I watch as the first of the three were born. Ahh...death. Life. I don't get it.

My pitch black hair runs with the wind wildly as my hands begin the clench the balcony. "If everyone can be so happy, why can't I? I want everything to revolve around me! Everyone was born, someway and somehow. But not everyone is lucky.

Bonna not everyone is lucky.

I grab 70 strings, and my golden scissors . "Goodbye! Feel free to visit.." I say bitterly as I cut lifelines.

I let go of the balcony and start to walk into the building my hair done dancing with the wind, calming landing on my shoulders.

Bonnabel Ackerman

After my wonderful shower I begin to walk and wonder the halls. Me and my darling will only be here as long as tolerated. For I wish I could reunite my family I feel as if it's not if they had just slipped through my fingers. Like water, trying to stay in the palm of your hands.

I decide I was gonna try and get my entire family together today, well most of it. Just the ones in the corps. As I walk around the hallways I run into my squad leader and Hanji talking. I wave my hand enthusiastically as I begin to quickly jog over to them. He begins to get sweaty and quickly leaves, but Hanji on the other hand looks super surprised to see me.

I smile at her but on the inside I'm feeling immense anger, but I attempt to let it go. She doesn't remember the history you lived. She doesn't know what happened at the lab, at the wedding, nor my first child, my unborn child. A small smile appears on her face. "Bonnabel! What are you doing here?!" She asks me.

I feel something inside of me slowly breaking, you wanted to get rid of me?...Why are you actin like you care now. You had no problem leaving me in a freakin forest. Before I accidentally kill her I put on a fake smile. "Come with me to breakfast, I want my friends there." I tell her. She blushes a bit.

"Friend..." She says. As we begin to walk to Isabel and Farlens room she tenses up a bit. I turn around and notice her pulling away from me little by little. "Why aren't you coming here with me?" I ask her. "We are just getting the rest of them." I tell her.

She nods her head no frantically and runs off, I'm assuming to breakfast. What in the world is she running for? Givin the circumstances, the stability of their relationships might be on deception, not truth. She likes them, but isn't showing her true colors, I presume. I knock on the door, without answer.

*rapid knocking*
"They must be there with my beloved..." I say to myself as I begin to walk over to mess hall.

I hope to enjoy this retched family reunion.

Erwin Smith

I laugh a bit as I come in and a table has balloons and confetti around it having all our names on it. I look around the room hurriedly hoping that Hanji won't pop out of nowhere. As I walk over to Gretchel, one of my favorite lunch ladies I ask for some food. She gives me a friendly smile and plops the mashed potatoes, and stale bread into my plate. As I walk over to the table that's highly decorated I lay down my plate and start looking at the name tags.

As I look at the last name tag I realize that Hanji was the last name. Who invited the underground folks? It wasn't Hanji, then who was it?! I notice that they had the name of the trio, but minus the girl...THE GIRL!

She wasn't there when I woke up! I completely forgot that she was supposed to be tied into the bed! How did she escape without me noticing? The ropes weren't even there! But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's their squad leader, trying to know them better. But that seems so unlikely, that can't possibly be it.

The door to the mess hall opens and get on defense, and out steps the trio. Levi, Farlen, and Isabel. The girl isn't with them, so where is she?

The trio grabs their plates, and Farlen, the tall one, looks at me with utter disgust. And the girl, Isabel looks at me with distaste. The short one just 'tchs'. "Where is Bonnabel and Lab Rat? She should be here by now." He asks me, at least I presume. I sit down at the table and bite into my bread, hearing the crunch interrupting the deafening silence in the room.

Levi glares at me. "I said where is Bonnabel!" He begins to grow angry. I just take another bite of bread. "I don't know who Bonnabel is." I tell him while raising my eyebrows. I can feel the tension in the room growing thick. "She has ombré brown hair, top is dark, bottom is basically blonde. She is the same height as me, maybe just a little bit taller, she has green eyes, a magnificent forest green. You just took us all in yesterday and you don't even have a clue what she looks like?" He scoffs. "That means your a useless commander." My blood begins to boil, I try my best, but at the end of the day I know I can't be the savior of all lives. "You know something Levi? I haven't seen her all day. She probably isn't even here." I tell him, just to make him angry.

Then someone sits next to me. Ombré hair, then they turn to face me. Forest green eyes, with a spark of hellish flames inside of them. "Hello Erwin."

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