Chapter 15

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Can I just say that I ship them so hard. Like I would kiilllllll for them, I luv my bbies.
Hanji Zoë

As he kicked me, I could immediately feel a bruise forming. I grunt.

Aiming for his chest I quickly raise my right foot pretending to go for his chest, but quickly bringing my foot down on his fragile knee. "GAH!" He yelled.

I flinched back. "Chester, if you had just stayed on my side, this wouldn't have to happen." I say shrugging my shoulders slightly. I walk over to his shaking body and tower over him.

"Just be obedient! And help save humanity..." Insanity flows from my mouth like a river, ready to drown he world in its black ocean.

He contorted his face in a rude way and began to speak. "You stupid, stupid just doomed humanity." He says hate woven in his words like a freshly knitted sweater.

I begin to grow confused but hide it. "Take him. We are gonna go to court, see what they have to say about it." I hiss.

I don't understand, but I feel as if a major twist in plot is heading towards us. Having my stomach churn I put my hand over it wishing for it to end. "Ugh..." I say.

Having a hand put on my shoulder, I turn around quickly. "Oh! Mike! You put her up already?" I ask.

He just continues to walk with me and our group of soldiers. He then nods his head and I hide my face in embarrassment. Stupid Mike, so cute...

I wonder if I could stop using people as pieces, and learn to give my heart truly. "Stupid wishes." I say as I kick a rock. I soon hear wining then a small hand taps my hip.

I turn to see a kid with brown hair and these entrancing green eyes that made him adorable. But he had a nasty scowl on his face. "Your rock hit my face..." He trails off as his scowl turned into tears. Then a little girl with raven hair entered the scene. She ran over and raised her hand ready to punch but a soldier stopped her, and the ones that weren't holding Chester turned to the children.

I lean down towards the child's hight and pat his head. "I'm sorry little boy, I didn't mean it. Are you ok?" I say wiping a tear.

His face begin to hold excitement. "WAIT! I KNOW YOU!" He yelled excitedly. And the he began to point at Mike. "Mikasa Mikasa!" He yelled as he shook the poor girl with raven hair.

She looked startled as she swatted his hands off of her. "Eren!" She shouted in a small voice.

I just smiled and blushed as I looked at the adorable children. He pointed behind me and touched Mike leg and then began to look like he was gonna pass out. He then squealed like a little girl, and Mikasa, the little girl hid her face in embarrassment. "ITS SQUAD LEADER HANJI AND MIKE!! Oh my god I have so many so many questions for you! How do you sl-heyyyyy!" He began to wine as Mikasa dragged him off.

She tucked her face in her scarf and took him and said goodbye softly. She then made a small eye contact with one of the soldiers. And than we began to continue to walk to court.

As we walked through the streets we got many hateful comments. Saying we were wasting taxes, wasting people, and wasting time. Saying that humanity has no hope, but I pushed that aside. They are only commoners, not knowing right from wrong at that point.
I mean what do they know about he outside world? Have they even seen a Titan before?! No they haven't, so I push their ignorance aside and continue to finish my mission.

We arrive at the court, with Chester in hand. Opening the double doors, we walk through confidently, some soldiers staying outside of the door. The judge sitting on his pompous rear on an overrated chair. These fools worship it like its a throne.

Having a few soldiers tie the broken Chester to a pole in the middle of the courtroom someone appears from behind the door.

"Good day everyone." He says calmly as he walks into a position next to me.
I feel Mike tense up as I begin to grow frightened. How did he know we were here?!

He smiled warmly at me. "Hello Hanji." His eyes held a lightning flashing through them, as he gave me a calm smile that sent shivers down to my toes.

"H-hi commander Erwin." I say as he puts his hand on my shoulder. Someone then slightly edges him off of me, but I begin to grow uncomfortable.

The judge clears his throat signifying for us to stop. "So." He starts.

"We are gathered here today to discuss the sentence of Chester Ongalu." He says in his brash voice.

He turns his head in the direction of the military police, aka the stupid unicorns. "What is your say?" He asks them.

He the commander of their brigade clears his throat as he pulls out some pieces of paper. "So, I think Mr.Ongalu should be given to us, along with Squad Leader Hanji, and Mike. Hanji and Chester have worked with the scientists in military for over 10 years, and I think it would be best if they came back to us." He says scratching his nose.

The judge thinks for a moment and then looks to Erwin. "What is your say Mr. Smith?" He asks him tilting his head slightly while leaning it on his hand.

"We hand over Hanji and Chester to the military police, they will still be, and work for the Survey Corps." He says while taking a small pause.

"But in return you have to share the information of everyone that worked on the project to every official in the Corps. It seems only fair." He says a small smirk on his face.

I begin to sweat a bit, is he seriously gonna tell them about be project?!

Flaggan went wild. "I OBJECT! This is too much information being given! This is outrageous!" He shouts, shaking with fear.

Author's POV

As the judge say silently the room was deadly quiet. Who's side will win?
1065 words, WOWIE MOMMIE!!
Anyways who's side do you want to win? I'll take it into consideration. To

Humanities chainsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ