Chapter 1

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Like in the beginning of every boring basic book , As the protagonist I'm going to introduce myself , I'm Tori. Your probably guessing "Hey this book might be good after all since her name is unisex". You guessed right . Get ready for one of the best first person shit books you ever read.

Well , here we are in the year 2016 and as you know high school is like the movie "High School Musical " at all because " we all not all in this together " at all. Freshman year at John Dewey HS was complete shit. One reason was because I started off a hungry virgin , and there was so much temptation and the friends I had made it seem like losing your virginity was painless and great. Truth is losing your virginity is something beautiful but you should wait for that perfect love. At least that's what I thought I did. Turns out I was a booty call every 2 months for the last year. I thought I had a loyal boyfriend someone who cared. Not until the last time I seen Joshua. He asked me all these fucking questions like "have I been fucking anyone else or talking to anyone"?
True thing about that was I really being loyal to that asshole. However, I guess he wasn't to me. Cause 2 days later I woke up with an STD called "chlamydia".
I know exactly what your thinking "why didn't you use protection" ? , "Your pussy is gonna stank", "Your dirty" . Truth is I went to get checked up and my doctor and I spoke about it.  
All chlamydia is bacteria in the vagina. She gave one pill. Just one. She said that one oil would cure the STD in the amount of 3-4 days. I took that pill and haven't had any contact with it since. However I did cause me to be more cautious with sex and dirt bags fucks who don't care . In other words guys.
After having the long and hard breakup with Joshua I met someone I liked for a long time. He named was Francis , He was not that tall but he had curly hair was brown and had the cutest pair of lips. I wanted to bite them off his face. However we fell off in 2016 cause he was more of a hoe than any boy I talked too.
After Francis , I took a long break away from guys they all sucked to me at that point. None of them getting shit through their heads. I need understood the males species. What happened to a nice walk in the park , surprise my with chocolate covered strawberries , a reminder of your affection for me once in a while , buying me flowers out of the blue , and kiss on my cheek when I'm sad. Is there any guys like that left .

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