Chapter 9: Jacob

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I wander through the market, and a girl catches my eye. She had long, brown hair, green eyes that lit up and sparkled as she looked around her, and her smile could light up a whole room. She actually looked a lot like me, as my friend ,Quil, observed. Deep down I wondered, " could she be my twin?". I shook my head. "No way, there's no point in hoping anymore, it's been too long."
As she turned I caught a glimpse of the charm an a chain around her neck, a person, holding their hand out. I looked down at the leather band I always wore on my wrist. The same charm, but a mirror image hung there. At the same time, i noticed a strange skin patch on her right shoulder. A half circle, paler than the rest of her skin. And exactly like the one on my left arm.

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