Chapter 11: Lily

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Within hours I'm happy again, dancing through the market and singing at the top if my lungs, my yellow dress twirling with me. I bump into someone, a almost falling but they steady me " a Hey hey be careful there" I look up into the kind eyes of a boy, brown hair, green eyes that sparkled and danced... I was mesmerized. He laughs, waving a hand infront of my staring face " Heeeeello anybody home?" I snap out of my trance, blushing " oh yeah sorry for bumping into you.." "No problem, I'm Tristan by the way, from western pack" he extends his hand to me and I take it " Lily.. From southern" he smiles " well hopefully I'll see you around Lily" and turned around, walking away. I sighed " wow... That guy was" Anika comes up behind me giggling " Never thought I'd see the day when my best friend was star struck but here we are"

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