Chapter 13: Lily

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I walked into the large hall, gazing around in amazement at the lights and decorations. I was lucky to have my beta beside me, guiding me in the right direction. He lead me first to a table where we would have dinner before the dance, asking where I wanted to sit. I noticed Tristan waving me over from where he was sitting and pulled Nathan with me, sitting down beside Tristan with Nathan on my other side. Tristan smiled " Ah the beautiful Lily. I certainly wasn't expecting to see you here, but here you are! Now, you must be the beta of southern pack?" I blushed " well um:. I'm actually the leader, this is my beta, Nathan" I leaned to the side and gestured at Nathan, who smiled and waved. " Tristan laughed " I'm sorry for my mistake! Well I'm the leader of the Western pack."

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