Winning Her Back

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My doorbell rang, interrupting the episode of Criminal Minds I was watching. I pressed pause on the screen, bidding a short farewell to Reid and Derek Morgan's beautiful face.

Hopping up, I hurried over to the window and gazed down to see Nolen's car pulling away. I had figured out a couple days ago that the person leaving gifts was him, but this confirmed it.

Two days after I had seen Nolen with that girl was when it started. I was at the mall, and when I walked back to my car after buying new shorts, a box sat on top of my car.

I opened up the box to see a teddy bear. A teddy bear identical to the one Nolen and I had been looking at in the airport.

Then came the flowers. Any time I turned around, a random stranger would hand me a flower. Roses, Lily's, and my favorite flower, a black rose. Which I would have thought was creepy, expect for the fact that I told Nolen that I loved them once.

My favorite flower was a black rose.

Maybe I needed therapy.

In between the flowers, I would sometimes find chocolates on my doorstep. Elena freaked out a first, thinking they were for her, but they were addressed for me.

Which was really surprising.

I warmed back up to Nolen instantly. I know it may have seemed like he was buying his way back into my heart, but I thought it was sweet, the tiny gestures he made. Romantic.

Who would have thought the Bad Boy could be a romantic.

I hurried down the stairs, ready to get chocolates. But when I opened the door, there was only a note.

I grabbed it, took it to my room, and locked the door. Then, I say on my bed and opened it. It smelled like his cologne. I sighed and bringing it up to my face, I took a deep breath, absorbing his scent.

The note read,

Dear Cali(fornia),

Rather than let words describe how I feel, I'd like to do it in person. It has been almost a week since we have spoken to each other, and with each passing day my heart aches more.  I'll pick you up tonight, if you will have me. Dress for a night out,

Sincerely, your love,


I smiled widely. His writing sounded so elegant and romantic. I felt like I was being swept off my feet, as cliche as that sounded.

Well, Nolen, I would love to have you.

I debated calling Sidney to help me get ready for the night, before remembering she was still mad at me. It hurt, because I had tried to reach out to her servers times, but she refused. Still believed I tried to make a move on John. We had been friends for so long, and the fact that she believed others over me made me feel awful.

I shook the negative thoughts about my best friend out of my head, and went to my closet. I pulled out a short, black dress that hugged my body but was still conservative enough for me to wear to dinner and not a party.

I did my nails in a color that was a cross between pink and nude, and watched a couple movies while I waited for the night to come. Then, when it was time to get ready, I curled the tips of my hair up, and brushed it away from my face. I applied eye makeup and nude lipstick, leaving the rest of my face blank. After adding a pair of black heels and a necklace, I was ready.

I finished early and continued to watch Criminal Minds, because it was my jam, but soon the doorbell rang. I hurried to get to the door, but my sister got there first.

As I approached Nolen, I noticed Elena running her hands up and down his arms, popping her hips out in an attempt to look older and sexier.

Nolen had an expression on his face that showed how uncomfortable he was.

"Let's go." I grabbed Nolen's hand, pulling him past Elena. She looked at me, shocked.

Placing both hands on her hips, she pouted. "No way, this is who you're dating?" She turned to Nolen, "why would you want to date her?"

I blushed at the word date. Before I could correct her and say we weren't dating, Nolen pulled me closer and planted a kiss on my lips. It was quick, and I was speechless. It had only been a few days, but I had forgotten how good his lips felt against mine.

"Yep," he smiled, "I'm Nolen Avery and California is my girlfriend. Now, we have reservations, but it was nice to meet you, Emily."

"It's ELENA!" She stomped her foot, but we were already out the door. I held a huge smile on my mouth. That was beautiful.

"Sorry," Nolen explained as soon as we got in his car, "but I can't stand your sister. She's really rude to you; anyone who can't see you're beauty is below being my friend."

"You look beautiful, by the way." His eyes roamed up and down my body, checking me out with no shame.

I blushed more. What was up with me. Did I even like him? If I didn't, then how come his compliments were so nice?

I tried to ignore how hot he looked in his dress pants and button down shirt. His hair was messy, and I knew his lips were dying to be kissed. Oh, how I wanted to reach out and kiss them, to run my fingers through his messy brown hair.  I forgot all about our stupid fight. I wanted him way too much to let that get in the way.

I looked out the window quickly, hoping the lust in my eyes wasn't visible. But I knew it probably was.

My stomach tingled. It was going to be a long, long night.

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