Tour bus(AU)

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Jack and Mark are in a band together, it's called Booper Dooper. They know that all of these girls obsess over them but they're in love with
each other and they wouldn't trade it for the world.

Jacks POV*

I grip Marks hand in mine as we sit on the couch on the tour bus. "I love you Markimoo" I whisper throwing my legs over his. "I love you too Jackaboy" Mark replied smiling at the man. I lean forward and connect our lips. He leans into me pushing me back onto the couch. "Wanna take this to the bedroom?" Mark whispers huskily in my ear. I nod wrapping my arms around his neck as he carries me into the bedroom. I laugh as I bounce on the bed. Mark turns around and locks the door. I laugh as he jumps on the bed next to me almost making me fall off in the process. Mark leans over and kisses me again. I kiss him back. I feel him grip the bottom of my shirt and I sit up so he can take it off. Breaking the kiss to take off the two of our shirts.

Time Skip BC I'm bad at smut

I wake up the next morning with Marks arms wrapped around me securely. "Good morning my love" Mark whispered kissing my cheek. "Good morning Markimoo" I whisper turning around in his arms. I gave him a kiss before getting up and changing into an outfit for the day. I walk into the buses bathroom and brush my teeth and hair. Mark enters just as I'm done brushing my teeth. I go to exit the bathroom when he stops me. "I love you" He whispered hugging me. "I love you too so so much" I say hugging him tightly. I exit the bathroom sitting on the bus couch. I take out my phone going on Twitter. Mark and I were trending. Well that's odd. I click on it. There was a picture of Marks hand on the glass of the bedroom window from last night. "Mark? Could you come here for a quick sec?" I ask and he comes out of the bathroom looking at me. "Yea?" He asks plopping down next to me. "Did you happen to put your hand on the glass of the tour bus last night?" I ask looking at him. He nods. "Why?" He asks. I hand him the phone and he curses. "I didn't think anyone would even have thought to look at the glass and take a picture of it" Mark mumbled then sighed. "Well let's see how management handled this one" I mumble going to Marks Twitter profile. "To everyone who has seen that picture from my actions last night, I'm going to take full responsibility for saying that it is my hand and I was not alone on the tour bus, I had a female guest with me so further apologies to everyone who was freaked out
Mark xo" I read allowed growling at the end. "How could they even do that without your permission?" I say. I run my hands through my hair. "It is a good excuse" Mark mumbles. I snap my head over to him. I shake my head in disbelief before getting up and heading to the bedroom. I lock the door as I sit on the bed. Was this relationship not at all important to him? "Jacky open the door" I hear through the door as Mark knocks. "If we're going to stay in secret forever why even have the relationship at all?" I say looking down at my hands. "You're right" Mark said. I hear the unlock of his phone and I feel mine buzz in my pocket. I furrow my eyebrows but take my phone out. Mark tweeted something.
"To all of the fans who saw the hand and my last tweet, I'd like to inform you that the tweet wasn't me but the hand very much was expect I wasn't exactly with a girl, his name is Seán aka Jack which all of you know every well. Jack and I have been in a relationship since before we became a band. I apologize for not informing you sooner but Jack and I are fairly happy together
Mark xo" I read. I jump out of the bed unlocking the door and jumping into Marks arms. "I love you so much" I whisper. He hugs me tightly. "I love you too"

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