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The limo took off, presumably in the direction of the penthouse and Akihito wriggled his way onto his back to glare at Asami. His lover still hadn't spoken and was currently lighting up a cigarette. The air felt heavy with tension. All of Asami's movements were tightly controlled and he seemed to be holding together by iron will alone. Akihito hadn't expected quite this reaction but maybe some part of him had known and that was why he ran. The soulmate bond was complex and hidden and very little was known about it. Could he have anticipated this reaction subconsciously? Asami had still not spoken and had not looked at Akihito once since entering the limo. Such a reaction from a man who outwardly showed very little emotion was surprising. He had never really kept his mask up in front of Akihito, right since the very beginning he had let the little photographer see more of himself than he showed others, something that he had only just noticed when seeing him around his subordinates. Akihito tried to think of what to say, he didn't want his soulmate to be like this. But he wasn't about to apologise either. What else did that leave to say?


"Why did you ignore my calls?"

"Huh?" That wasn't what Akihito expected. Asami turned to look at him and those golden eyes burned. Feeling uncomfortable with the gaze, Akihito looked away and pulled on his restrained hands in frustration. "I... I knew you would be mad about the guards and the stake out and... I guess I didn't want to face you just yet." Asami didn't answer and Akihito chanced a look at him. He felt a constriction in his chest at the impassive mask now fully in place. This wasn't what he wanted, he didn't want to be shut out like the rest. Not from his soulmate.

The rest of the journey to the penthouse passed in uncomfortable silence. Akihito let himself be manhandled out of the limo with no complaints until he was thrown on the bed in the secret room. He watched as Asami opened up the display and pulled out a selection of black leather before turning to face him. Akihito lifted his chin in defiance but held out his bound hands. He had an inkling about what was coming earlier but it had been confirmed once Asami had opened the door to this room. He wasn't about to apologise but he wasn't going to back down either. He knew Asami wouldn't hurt him, not really and he wanted to see every part of this man who was his soulmate. This was part of it and he was going to face it head on. Asami paused at his show of obedience and searched his face. Akihito saw a flicker of surprise in his eyes before his expression smoothed over again. He let himself he stripped and buckled into the array of leather Asami had chosen. He found that while he wasn't exactly willing, facing Asami head on like this he felt surprisingly in control. Asami stood back after adjusting the last buckle and just looked at him. Akihito looked back, pride and defiance in his eyes. He wasn't going to apologise but he wasn't going to run either.

Akihito sat on the bed, naked except for the leather harness around his chest, neck, wrists, thighs and ankles while Asami observed, fully clothed. Some part of him knew that this should feel thrilling, being forcibly bared to Asami's gaze like this but that impassive mask was still in place and it was shattering his heart. He could feel that powerful, in control feeling from before slipping away. He could hand over his obedience for a short time and in willingly doing so lose nothing at all but this... He could do so for Asami but not for the mask that shadows the man. He had worn it around Akihito before but never with him, directed at him. He had always seen Asami the man and he was rapidly breaking apart, pride and defiance melting away almost as quickly as it arrived. Asami still hadn't moved and Akihito unexpectedly found tears in his eyes and he cursed his sudden show of weakness. How the hell did the man cause such drastic bouncing in his emotions? He took a deep shuddering breath, desperately trying to calm himself and felt a tear slip free to run down his face.

"Akihito?" Asami sounded concerned but his vision was too blurred to make out his expression. "Akihito, what's wrong?" He felt hands cup his cheeks and gently wipe away the tears.

Feel My Heart BeatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora