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Asami was fuming. Ueda had reported the incident with the police officer a few hours ago and he still couldn't calm the anger surging through his veins. Akihito had burned off his frustrations over the whole thing and was already tucked up at the penthouse for an afternoon nap. Unfortunately Asami was held up at the office an unable to join his little lover. Even Akihito finally treating the penthouse as a second home couldn't lift his mood.

Even worse was that none of his contacts within the police could confirm if something was about to happen. He knew Officer Mino and that man wouldn't confront Akihito unless they were about to make a move. Sudou was still on the loose as well.

A heavy foreboding feeling sat in his gut.

Akihito had a last minute stake out planned for tonight, having only just confirmed the location that morning. The warehouse location was one which they had scouted before so they had very good information on the area. And with the anonymous tip off on the meetings location being so last minute, no one would know where Akihito was barring a handful of Sion employees.

And yet Asami couldn't shake that bad feeling.

That feeling was the only thing dimming his rage over what was reportedly said to Akihito. Like hell he would take threats to his soulmate sitting down.

"Willing or not, you'll be helping me take that bastard down."

So far he had upped Akihito's escort tonight to four of his own guards and two of Asami's. The two men from his security team were there to watch Sudou if he showed as well as keep Akihito safe. They couldn't be certain, but it was the same location as the last meeting Sudou was seen at with Ichikawa and they were hoping to finally get some answers out of the man so he could be safely removed. This waiting and covert operations was wearing his patience thin. Asami would far rather resort to other tactics but there were still far too many variables in play.

Right now, Akihito had a far better security force than even the prime minister. He was as safe as he could possibly be.

It still didn't stop the anger at the threats or the thread of worry niggling at the back of his mind.

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he glanced at the time. Akihito must be up. He had messaged him earlier to let him know once he was awake. Asami fished his phone and sure enough it was a brief message from his soulmate to let him know he was up and awake. He would probably be grabbing a bite to eat before meeting up with his security force to go over the plan for the evening. He hit speed dial and didn't have to wait long before it was picked up.


Ah, it was confident Akihito today. He was usually a relatively confident person but every now and then he would answer phone sounding inexplicably shy. It was incredibly endearing, just a shame it didn't happen more often.

"Did you have a good nap kitten?"

"Don't call me that." He grumbled. "But yeah. Your bed is pretty comfy and three hours is more than enough to get me up and running again."

"I believe your guards are hoping to avoid more running if at all possible."

Akihito snorted. "It's not my fault they can't keep up."

"I would like to point out that your security team is comprised of highly trained and very specialised men however security guards are not normally required to have such an emphasis on speed or endurance. They have also all cut their course times in half since they were first recruited to be in your security team. Your speed is a marvel in itself."

"Wait, specialised? Really?"

"Of course, do you really think I would have just anyone protecting you?"

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