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Ueda stretched. Or at least tried to. He winced as the dull ache sharpened through his body as he moved. His right hand and wrist were completely encased in a cast and his shoulder was braced as well as possible to stop him from tearing open the bullet wound. The rest of his body ached as though he had been hit by a car, although the force of him hitting the ground wasn't too far off being the same. He had to admit though, he was grateful for the Sion sponsored hospital treatment. Private ward and a room shared just with him and the other two injured guards. On top of that, he had a bed that was actually comfortable and regular food that was pretty decent. He had a relatively constant stream of visitors as well, his mother with different siblings accompanying her each time and all the security team members had dropped in to say hello and keep them all company at different times.

He was a little surprised when a nurse came in and started setting up the unmade forth bed after he had been there for a few days. He assumed it was another Sion employee but as far as he had heard, no one else was injured. Ueda actually laughed when he saw who was wheeled through the door though. Takaba was almost bouncing in the wheelchair he was sitting in and he flashed Ueda a grin and a wave as they entered the room. Asami was the one pushing the chair looking somewhat resigned and he was trailed buy an amused looking Kirishima and Suoh.

"Hi guys!" There was a small chorus of greetings and Ueda traded a small smile with Teiji who was on the other side of the room. "I hope you don't mind me joining you guys," Takaba gave a little embarrassed laugh. "But I was bored all by myself."

"I think it'll be far more lively around here now." Takaba turned his grin to Ueda and Asami wheeled his soulmate to the bed opposite him. He glanced to the bed beside him and noticed Fujioka was also sporting a small smile. It was like Takaba's enthusiasm was infectious. He took note of the leg brace and arm cast that the young man was sporting but even with those his exuberance could not seem to be dimmed. They approached the bed and Ueda watched curiously as Asami moved as though to pick Takaba up but was stopped in his tracks by a stubborn glare. Amusement filled him as he watched the silent battle of wills with Takaba's expression becoming more mulish by the second. Asami seemed to take a small breath and backed off, something Ueda never though he would see, and Takaba attempted to manoeuvre himself from the wheelchair onto the bed with no help. Ueda could see the muscles straining in Asami's body as though it was taking a great deal of will power to not step in. He suddenly snapped forward when Takaba nearly slipped, scooping him up in his arms and placing him on the bed. The blonde squawked indignantly at the manhandling but settled on the bed with a small pout. The wheelchair was put in the corner and the three men sat around the bed.

Ueda watched as Takaba settled in, organising things on his little table and wiggling around to re-arrange his blankets to his liking. He kept looking over to Teiji's bedside in curiosity at the man sitting quietly talking with the injured guard. Teiji must have said something because he swung around to grin and wave at Takaba, catching him looking.

"Nice to finally meet you in person, Takaba-sama."

He could almost see the gears turning in the young man's head as he tried to work out how he knew him. Suddenly he seemed to light up in excitement.


The man in question chuckled. "That's me. I'm not really cut out for normal guarding," he gestured at his skinny frame and thick rimmed glasses, "So we haven't met before in person but I'm the Sion Control Tower Specialist. I do all the co-ordinating with all the security teams from Sion. You'll have to come in and see the control room one day, Takaba-sama."

They went back and forward about Sion and computer technology for a while so Ueda let his eyes fall shut and drifted off. The quiet talking of the men across the room and the distant noises from around the ward helped to lull him into a drifting sleep.

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