Stuart Minkus

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Once school ended Riley waited for Mr.Turner to finish gradeing papers.
"Wow Riley a A+ or should I say 100"
Riley had a huge advantage because she already leared about almost everything they were teaching her.
"I wish you were here Farkle you'd find a way"

As soon as school was over Farkle went strait to the lab. When he got there Maya was already sitting in a desk waiting for him.
"Maya I have an idea"
"Maya I got to go back in time and help Riley find my dad so he can help us get back"
"Farkle what am I supposed to do!"
"Nothing Maya do nothing"
Farkle turned on the machine and looked at Maya.
"Maya we will come back"
"You better"
He flipped the switch set the time and closed his eyes. He felt time consume him.
He opened his eyes and he was in someone's house.
"Cory there's a boy in the kitchen"
"Shawn your kidding right first Riley and now someone else"
"Riley did you say Riley!"
Farkle was excited to see Riley he hasn't realize how much he has missed his best friend.
"Wait you know Riley"
"Yeah she's my best friend"
"What's your name"
"Farkle Minkus,but I'm not related to Stuart Minkus"
"That's exactly what Riley said well except saying she was not related to me"
Farkle panicked he looked for the door, but he has to ask something first.
"Where is Riley"
"Oh she is staying with Mr.Turner"
"Can you take me to her"
"Yeah I guess come on Shawn"

When they arrive at the apartment Mr.Turner sits down on the couch and Riley walkes over and sits next to him.
"Mr.Turner I need to tell you something..."
Before she got to finish there was a knock on the door. Riley got up and walked over and opened the door she looked up and couldn't beleive ger eyes.
She hugged him very tightly never wanting to let him go.
"Riley I can't breath"
"I've missed you"
"I have too I mean I've missed you"
Riley laughed and hugged him again except this time gently.
"Riley I know how to get us out of here we just have to find my dad"
"Mr.Turner may I please go out and spend time with my friend"
"Yeah but be back by eight it's a school night"
"Thank you sir and thanks for everything"
Riley had to say something he'll remeber knowing this might be the last time he saw her.
Riley and Farkle headed out the door.
"Farkle do you know where your dad is"
"Where is that"
"At the school lab working on his time machine"
"Wait what how do you know that"
"Because he told me around this time he was working on it"
"But Farkle I thought..."
"That I made the time machine? I did but I built another one my dad didn't want me touching his"
They walked into the school and down the hall until they got to the lab and there in the middle of the room was Farkle's dad.

Sorry this wasn't as well written, but I promise next time I will actually take the time and make a good story. : )

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