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I stumbled into my mothers kitchen, bored out of my mind sighing. "What is it?" She asked her back to me as she stirred our breakfast and it smelt delicious. "I'm so bored" I groaned out laying my head on the kitchen counter to which she was behind. She was silent for a second before stoping and turning around wiping her hands off on an near by rag. "Then draw something?" she suggested turning to the dishes. "Already drew a picture of Mark and Jack" I grumbled sitting up and watched her turn on the sink to fill it up. "Um, write another chapter of your story then" She shrugged and put some soap into the sink letting it bubble a little before closing it and putting it back. "I already updated three of my books now I'm just waiting for people to comment on one of them before I can publish another chapter" I sighed and hoisted myself up onto the counter and sat on it waiting for her to answer. "Watch Jack , Mark or Felix's videos" She said nearly above a whisper obviously annoyed. "I already watched both of Jack and Mark's videos, and Pewds doesn't update till later today" I whined. My mom groaned and turned to me with an unamused face. "Go ride Emmy through the trails then". My eyes lit up with joy. "Okay, bye mum love you!" I called running out of the kitchen and up my stairs to my room. I jumped over my cat and opened my bathroom door walking into my closet I pulled out a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a white tank top and a dark green and blue plaid flannel thing. I pulled off my men's Codbo3 shirt throwing it into my clothes hamper, striping from my black shorts and tossing them into the hamper too.

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