My demons my only saviour...

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I sat on the cold concrete floor patiently humming the only tune I knew waiting for Lex to strike up a conversation with me. 'Alex! Please I need your help! Alex? ALEX!' She screamed telepathically making me jump back in fear but quickly sighed and rubbing my head 'Ugh, what? Are you okay?' I asked staring off into the black abyss. 'No! Me Mark and Jack were captured by Wilford, Dark and Anti! And they are beating us!' She cried out. 'And what do you want me to do about it? We made a deal I stay here forever as long as you talk to me and keep me updated with orange is the new black' I sighed not quit corresponding what she was trying to get at. 'Alex we need your help! Look I've fallen in love with Jack, I can't just have him killed!' She begged growing impatient. 'Yes I noticed I can sense your feelings in here, so you want me in the real world?' I asked pushing her patients to the limit. 'Yes Alex yes!' She screamed at me. I laughed menacingly you've made a huge mistake... I stood up brushing myself off and snapped my fingers teleporting myself out of Lex's mind and into the real world.

I stood there were Dark, Anti, Wilford, Mark, Jack and Alex were all fighting and by the looks of it, Lex's team was losing. I chuckled deeply earning the attention of Lex, who rushed over to me and hugged me. I cringed at her action and pushed her away snapping my fingers. And just like that I had every man who was fighting tied up and sitting against the wall in a line. I turned to Lex and took out a rope tying her to a random pole in the middle of the room, my back against the men. "Aye! Don't you fo'kin touch er!" A strong Irish accent demanded. I chuckled and swung myself around the pole and brought mine and Lex's face side by side. "Look familiar?" I asked my voice low, making the Irish mans eyes go wide. "Okay, to my understanding I was brought here to save you, your boyfriend and this thing?" I asked touching the red haired Asian mans head, to which he growled and pulled away from my reach. "It's okay Mark, she's going to help us!" Lex reassured 'Mark'. "Well, only if I get to stay out of your mind for the rest of my life~" I laughed darkly walking over to Dark and Anti leaning against the wall and sliding down it sitting in between them. I looked at both of them inspecting their faces. "yes Alex b- I cut Lex off "I must say these two are much better looking then the origanals~"I taunted seductively dragging my index finger along Anti's jawline, then standing up and making my way over to Lex. "You can stay in the real world, but Alex I have an assignment for you~" Lex mocked my low tone making me growl and glare at her since she did it perfectly. "And what might that be?" I purred making my over to her, boyfriend? Squatting down to his level and playing with his hair licking my lips just to aggravate Lex. "For you to watch over those three you the rest of your life" Lex hesitantly said biting her lip. My face went blank with thought then I shook my head standing up "you mean babysit them?" I asked walking in front of her and placing my hands on my hips with the 'are you serious?' Face. "Yes" she nodded with a bit of a scared expression. "But what if they try and kill me? Then surely I would have to kill them!" I said in an innocent tone faking being scared. "Look, just don't kill them. Find the good in them like you did me" Lex pleaded with hope filled eyes. I sighed and snapped my fingers making a knife appear in my hand. I slowly lifted it above my head. "DONT YOU FUCKING DARE!" Jack screamed from behind me. "Do it Alex do it!" Dark protested, I could almost see his smirk through his tone. I swung down and sliced through....
The ropes causing them to fall onto the floor and turn to dust blowing away. Lex smiles cheerfully hugging me, so I pushed her away and handed her the knife and she gladly took it running behind me and cutting the ropes off Jack and Mark. I opened a portal and they smiled thanking me and scampered through. I closed the portal and twirled my fingers around in place causing a knife to appear in my hand again. "Now I'm going to go make you guys something to eat! I'll untie you guys after I come back, but just in case you visit me early I'll be in the kitchen" I giggled innocently putting the knife just where they can't reach.

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