Kissing a bully (Antisepticeye x reader)

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Before I go on about this story idea, I am NOT the owner or artist who drew this awesome picture! Their name is AntiCreptic ! If you don't know or follow them please do! They create FABULOUS art like everyday and I'm in love with their art style! Anyway this is an X-reader idea so yeah....bye~

"(Y/n) you know how hug time I spent on that?! Weeks (Y/n) WEEKS!" Alex yelled at me dramatically pulling at her hair as she ripped her school project out of my hands and inspecting it thoroughly, attempting to get the small piece of my breakfast off that I accidentally dropped on it. "Oh calm down Alex the teacher won't even notice!" I chuckled at her behaviour and threw away my trash as we entered the school building. "Okay I'll meet you in class I have to run by the office and grab my schedule" I mumbled giving her an annoyed look as I whined a little throwing my head back and turning to the right. "I'll try to save you a seat!" I could hear her call as she scurried down the hallway. I sighed unhappily and rested my elbows on the office counter as the principal noticed me clapping his hands together with a sarcastic smile "Ah, back again miss (L/n)?" He chuckled walking over to me grabbing some papers off his desk as he passed by. I nodded my head arching an eyebrow and getting impatient with him already "So just as a review of, last time we met. You are a student who got permanently suspended from your old school which forced you to move up here and find a new school who is willing and able to take you in so late in the semester?" He pushed with a fake happy tone knowing he was ticking me off. I rolled my eyes and dropped my head letting it bounce a couple times before looking back up at his ugly wrinkle covered face. "Yeah-" I replied raising both my eyebrows with an unimpressed look, trying to point out I didn't want tot be here talking to him. "Okay, well here you go I guess you should be on your way!" He stated handing me a big stack of papers with a horrible smile. I ripped them out of his hand and turned on my heel walking down the hall. But I only got a few steps away and he called out my name "Alex?" I slowly turned around with the 'I'm listening' face "be good would ya?" He laughed and smirked before walking away and back to his desk. I shook my head with anger and turned the corner heading down towards the classroom I was supposed to be in. I quickly opened the door only to be met with the piercing gaze of the teacher. She was an old broad with a white Afro and bushy white eyebrows, brown eyes and saggy cheeks with plenty of wrinkles to outline her eyes and mouth, she looked old enough to be retired. I perched my lips and nodded to her walking by and immediately spotting Alex I picked up my pace and tried to reach her passing by staring eyes and judgy looks of the teenagers. "Ah ah ah miss (L/n), you will be sitting beside Antisepticeye today!" She announced to me making me stop dead in my tracks. I turned around and faced her to see her pointing to a desk I recently passed by, and a boy in a red hoodie with long ish green hair and pointy ears sat there. I sighed grumpily and tromped over to his three seated desk, pulling out the chair beside him and plopping down in the seat, dropping my backpack beside my feet. I ran a hand through my (h/l) (h/c) and rested my head in the palm of my hand as the teacher turned and started to ramble on about math and what not. "So, your the new girl?" He whispered, he seemed to have an Irish accent and wasn't afraid to hide it. But I ignored him as I continued to blankly stare at the back of the teachers head beginning to wonder if her hair was actually real or not. I felt a hard poke on my should "hey I'm talking to you!" He hissed quietly, I turned my head and arched both my eyebrows pursing my lips "yeah and I don't give a crap" I replied blankly, I got a good look at the boy he had all black eyes with tiny dilated blue pupils, I finally shook my head slightly turning my attention back to wondering if the teachers hair was real or not. "(Y/n) is your name right?" He asked annoyed, I could still feel him staring at me with an unpleasant look plastered to his face I just nodded and kept staring forward hoping this loser would leave me alone. "Oh how I'm going to make you hate it" he chuckled quietly trying to push me over the ledge. I had balled my fists to the point where my knuckles turned white "Listen here you psychopathic leprechaun, I'm in a bad mood and I know you know it now leave me alone before I lose it!" I shot back turning my body completely to face him only to find him smirking evilly at me. "Now watch it missy, or you'll have to deal with him" Anti chuckled amused at my reaction as he pointed behind me. I glared at him as I whipped my head around to find a tall muscular boy wearing a black T-shirt and black jeans. His skin was pale and his eye were black with red pupils and red hair on top his head. His look alone screamed death let alone the stench that lurked off him. I scrunched my nose and made a disgruntled face at him. He glared at me unamused as he sat down beside me. I took a deep breath of the last fresh air I would have till the end of class as I faced the board again and didn't even try to pay attention to anything she said, usually I would be looking out the window, daydreaming or something but I don't want to even look in Anti's direction and that dudes smell isn't allowing me to focus enough on my own thoughts so there's no use. I could feel hot breathe on my ear coming from the stinky mans direction "your in my spot" he growled, his voice much deeper than Anti's. I slightly turned to him "Nice to meet you too, btw you wreak..." I whispered giving him a disgusted look, to which he shot me a death glare. I turned back to the board before his look could pierce directly through my soul. A few minutes passed by and I got extremely bored so I decided to check out my schedule. As I was reading through it Anti decided to say something..."You have Art next? Me too! Maybe we could sit beside each other again?" He asked sarcastically leaning closer to me. I didn't even look at him. I quickly stood up and earned the teachers attention by doing so "I'm going for a walk" I growled grabbing my bag and schedule making my way back down the aisle of desks, I made it to the front of the class as I heard "I need to use the bathroom", now I wouldn't care that much if it was someone else but that voice belonged to Anti so it made me angry. I sped up and grabbed the door handle swinging the door open and racing down the hall hearing quick footsteps behind me so I quickly turned into a dimer lit hall in attempt to lose him or in hopes he would just leave me alone. Suddenly I was pulled back by my shirt and thrown against the lockers hard enough to make me groan in pain. I opened my eyes and saw Anti's face literally inches away from mine I tried to back up a little bit my head just hit the locker and there was no where to go because he had both his hand firmly pressed up against the locker on each side of my head. "Your cute when your mad~" Anti teased smiling smugly. "And your annoying, now let me go!" I replied half yelling pushing on his well hard chest but he wouldn't budge making me even more mad. "Awe come on (Y/n)! Your no fun!" Anti whined sarcastically giving me a fake sad face. "What do you want from me?!" I snapped giving him an angered look as I gave up on trying to push him away. "A kiss, just one!" Anti stated rather quickly as if he really wanted it. I shook my head slightly "eww no!" I squealed and tried to push him away again but to no I just sat there in silence for a few seconds thinking. "Will you leave me alone if I do?" I asked looking up into his eyes. "Maybe, but no promises" he smirked licking his lips seductively. "Ugh fine just one" I grabbed the sides of his face and smashed my lips into his kissing him roughly. I could feel him smile into this and tilted his head deepening the kiss. Our lips moved perfectly in sync with each other's. His hands slid from the lockers and down my sides as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Some how, this was nice...I almost wanted more. I could feel him start to bite at my lip a little, I didn't know what to do so I pulled away and panted heavily looking into his eyes. "Please just a little more~" he purred closing his eyes and leaning in a little, I sighed and leaned in kissing him again, and soon enough I found him biting at my bottom lip again. I shook my head slightly not knowing what he wanted until I felt something slimy run against my lip making me open my mouth, and with that he stick his long tongue in my mouth running it against my teeth and tongue. I finally had enough and lightly bit his tongue, to which he pulled it back into his own mouth, we both retracted back and a trail of saliva connected our mouths. I let go of his face and blinked a couple of times pushing his arms off my waist "did that just happen?" I whispered looking down at the floor in wonder. "Yes it just did, and I'm pretty sure we both enjoyed it so here's my number" he smirked handing my a small piece of paper with his number written on it. I smiled lightly and took it from him sliding it into my pocket. He started to walk away, I caught up with him and poked his shoulder getting his attention. "Was this all planned?" I asked with a smug smile knowing I was right. Anti shrugged "I planned it out but wasn't sure if it would work or not, by the way I'll lay off for a while but if you don't want me pokin so much we'll have to do this more often!" He smirked as we both turned down the hallway towards our classroom. "As much as I enjoyed that, I don't wanna kiss you again so I'll deal with the teasing~" I replied sneakly giving him a smirk of pure evil. "Oh you'll want more soon enough (Y/n)" he replied knocking me out of my cocky trance, I kinda just walked dumbfounded and blushing a little as we entered the classroom. We were just about to go up to are seats he lent down and whispered "your face is red~"

And that's all for now my lil gamers!~ Hope you enjoyed!

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