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×in college×

brendon is a cool guy i got to know him more. Hes prolly gonna be a popular guy in no time. I got to know that he likes music. Which was amazing i also like music .

Me and brendon had only two classes together :(

But its okay atleast i have a fren :)

I got to know that brendon was bisexual.thats nice.

The day was boring except the classes with beebo(his new nickname i kept for brendon he said he liked it)
First two classes went well since they were with beebo we somehow did not get caught. Brendon made five frens within that time. Wowza what a social butterfly.

While i was walking in the hallway alone since beebos class was in the opposite direction someone bumped into me.i said sorry even though the person was the one who bumped to me im just weird.

I looked up to see a person a bit taller than me he had blue hair. He was strong looking with tattoos and gauges."look where youre going kid" he said. He had a group of people behind him. I guess hes one of those mean popular guys in those cliché movies.

"Im sorry" i said again.
(Btw hes taller than tyjo here cuz tyjo is 18 here so maybe he was shorter than jish at that time just sayin)

"What do you mean by "sorry" if you repeat this mistake you dont know what i can do to you."

Oh he is kind of mean but thats ok im used to it.

I kinda ignored him and made my way to my class until someone turned me harshly it was that dude "what do you think of yourself kid"

"i said im sorry im getting late to class i have to go now please leave me"

"you think you can talk to me like that kid im joshua william dun you dont know how powerful i am kid"


he pushed me i got up and hurried to my class

"Why are you late?" The teacher asked

"sorry sir,i didnt know where the class was" i lied

"Ok dont make this mistake again"

I dont like josh
Josh knows what hes doing i like him
I hate the voice in my head.

The teacher asked to introduce ourself ugh.

My chance came

"M-my n-name is T-tyler joseph"


I hated this. The teacher glared at the boy "detention for you harry"

"Ok tyler you can sit down now"the teacher said.

I sat down. People started throwing papers at me. Until a girl with blue hair stood up and told the teacher (whose name was gerard)

"Sir niall , harry and louis are throwing papers at tyler" the blue haired girl said

"Niall and louis detention for you guys also" mr gerard said

Thanks blue haired girl. I think i might want to be frens with her
She might think youre a fuckwat no one wants to be frens with you

Class was over i walked out the blue haired girl came to me
"hey dude,sorry bout those guys but uh can i walk with you"

"Yeah sure which class are you heading to"

"Science oh and btw my names ashley you can call me halsey or ash or anything you want"

"Even im heading to science and nice to meet you ashley my names tyler i guess you already know"

"Oh thats great tyjo"

Tyjo. thats a nice name

I talked to her while on the way
"Im lesbian btw"
"Im gay btw" i said and we started laughing for some reason

This was nice .

Science was over and ashley was a really nice and fun person.


The bell rang and it was time for lunch break yay. I sat in a table beebo and ashley said they were gonna sit with me in lunch. So i made my way to the cafeteria i was the first one to arrive there and sat at a corner table.

While i waited for my frens a group of people entered the room i looked up to see that it was josh and his group.

"Babe look its that fuckwat from earlier" some random girl said to josh

"Oh yeah debby you guys go sit i have to do something to this dude" josh said to the girl debby i guess.

I looked down on the table i was scared of how he was gonna bully me again.

Thump.i saw a hand on the table which was joshs hand. He sat down across from me.
He glared at me. "Hey fuckwat dont mess with me ever again and i think you might be my next target to bully this year " he smirked .

Why was everyone late.

"Sorry" i said " i wont do it again"
looking up to him i noticed how amazing he looked . Wowza but why was he so mean.

He looked at me and looked sad for a moment. But why. " hm whatever dont come near me you disgusting shit"
what did i ever do.

"Ok" i smiled. Why did i smile.

He blushed for a second. He spat at me and went over back to his table then beebo and ashley came over atlast.

"Where were you two"

"Oh sorry lol my teacher gave me a lecture about something stupid" beebo said

"Beebos an ass" ashley said as she and beebo sat down

"You guys know each other ?" I asked

"Yeah he and i have the same english class and we basiclly became frens in an hour" ashley said

" oh thats great" i said

"What was josh doing near you" ashley said as she glared at josh who was in the "popular" table

" oh he idk he just wants to bully me" i said

"Be careful tyjo if he does anything mean to you just call me and beebs we will beat the shit out of him"ashley said

"Yeah! And whos josh" beebo said

"Josh is the most popular and one of the richest and most good looking people in this school .every girl is after him but hes dating debby ryan who is also one of the richest girls here and most gorgues looking girl but they both are really r00d and bitchy" ashley said

"How do you know that"beebo asked

"Well i am here from last year and i failed last year so i had to restart the whole year" ash said

"Oh" beebo said

"Josh is good looking" i said

"Hes straight as fuck btw" ash said

"Oh" i said

"I like milk :D" beebo said

"Um okay" ashley said

The rest of the day was not bad i made two more frens whose names were melanie and ryan ross or somthing they were also gay.

Last period came.

Whale then thats that ok anyways lol idk
Im sorry but i really hate 1D and thats why i made them r00d here soz

Cliché (Joshler)(bryler)(ryler)(ryden)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora