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I woke up from the dream.

Man oh man what has happend to my life.

I got out of bed and did the usual stuff.

I got a call from brendon.

i answered.

"Hey breadbin whaddup"


"What happend brendon"

"Can i stay in your home for a while."

"Yeah sure. My parents woudnt mind"

"Tyler im so sorry for the inconvinience"

"Its fine afterall youre my fren"

"Thanks tyguy"

"Love ya"

"See you later"

I hung up the phone.





I saw brendon waiting for me at the gate.


"SHHhsHhHHhahsjsjsjskks wtf tyler we are in public"

I just hugged him for no reason.


"Accept the hug you bitch"

Brendon hugged back.

It felt nice hugging a fren.


Oh ryan

"Hey ryro waddup" i said

"Nothing much" ryan said

While we were chatting near our lockers, the stupid fucking loud ass speakers with that crusty principles voice spoke

"Attention attention there's an anouncement to make. please all teachers and students meet up at the assembly hall"

"What do you think would it be for?" Melanie inturrupted out of nowhere.

Everyone greeted her

"Well i think it might some boring ass lecture about something useless" i said

"Yeah i think so" brendon said

×time skip to assembly hall×

"Ahem so we are going to have a camp thing and the teachers will say the groups to your class after this speech. And you all will be from different classes different teachers as your leaders and blah blah and yes EVERYONE HAS to participate." the principle went on and on about more details.

" we never had camp" i whispered to brendon.

"Yeah maybe this might be exciting." Brendon said.


The teacher was anouncing the groups.

I was a bit nervous because i did not want anyone who i did not knew. Otherwise i have to meet new people and thats a disaster.

"Group 21" the teacher said snapping me out of my thoughts

"Group 21 consists of tyler joseph, brendon urie, ryan ross, debby ryan , dan howell , phil lester, gerard way and frank iero." The teacher said.

I was releived that it consisted of people of who i knew.

"Oh and your guider will be mr joshua dun" the teacher said.

My face lit up.

×but little did tyler know it was gonna consist of alot of drama×


Hey guys im sorry for not updating im really trYing hard  but i cant because life is hard to say the least my family is the worst thing that happend to my life. Its disgusting to say "my" family .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2016 ⏰

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