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Class ended. I wanna reach out to debby or gerard. But what if they dont even know what im talking about.they might think im crazy.

I made my way to my lockers to take the books for next class.


I turned around to see who was this
"hey" person.

It was debby and gerard.

Oh god.

I was getting anxious.

"D-debby and g-gerard"

"Y-yup, do you know a person called josh" gerard said.

They were clearly trying to tell me about the dream without sounding crazy. I nodded understanding that they are talking about the dream.

"You guys had the same dream?"

"Oh god yes its pretty weird isnt it" debby said.

"Did we have the same exact dream except in different perspective?" Gerard asked

"Well i had one with debby being rude and popular and gerard being a teacher and debby was dating  josh"i explained.

Debby was sweet in real life.

"Oh yeah i had the same one, i was with this hot dude called josh even though im lesbian???¿¿like idk"she exclaimed

I coudnt help but giggle at her excitement.

"Yeah and i was a english teacher or something but yeah and i had a secret relationship with this dude called frank and i miss him"gerard said sadly.

"I miss jish"i said sadly.

We stood in silence engulfed in our own thoughts.

"Hey you guys wanna sit with me at lunch cuz i have no one to sit with"debby said breaking the silence.

"Yeah sure and we are getting late to class btw" gerard said

"Wait i have art next"

"Hey me too"

"Same dude!"

Well then. This is nice.

We made our way to art class and we were 10 minutes late but the teacher was nice and let us in.

Art class was fun as frick.

We all were discussing about the dream and it was like we were breaking a mystery.

I realized that most of my classes were with gerard and debby which was amazing.

We talked about how gay we were and exchanged numbers and stuff.


Me and my two frens were sitting at a corner and eating lunch.

It was really calm and nice until


i turned around to see a blue haired girl.

She looks familiar.


I  make my way running trying my best not to bump into someone.

"ASH-" before i could complete she turned around.

Her eyes widened and she ran towards me engulfing me in a hug i looked at her she was crying happy tears.


I hug her back.

Most of the people there were looking at us weirdly.it doesnt matter what matters is ashley is real.

My frens are real.

Let the search begin.


Searching for everyone was easier than i expected.

Turns out ashley had class with brendon

And i found melanie in one of my classes.

And gerard found frank. And they had a moment.

Debby caught ryan in the corner of one of her classes.

And i even met the pete and mikey from my dream turns out they were not so bad guys after all.

All that left was josh.


It was last class. It was music.

How coincidential.

And turns out the whole fucking squad had the same class.

I entered the class.

"TYGUY" brendon cried.

"MY TYGUY" he said as he wrapped his arms around me for a hug.

Ryan was so happy that he looked like he gave out sunshine.

Everyone looked so happy.

The teacher hasnt arrived yet.

we all talk and discuss about the dream we all had and turns out there were more people from the dream.

Pete knew a dude called patrick in his dream and turns out he was real.

Mikey introduced us to two new people.

The brown haired dudes name is dan and the black haired dudes name is phil.

They are british.

"Wowza this is so cool" dan exclaims

"Hey i thought i was the only one who said that" yey i wasnt the only one.

"Nah mate i say it too" dan is so british.

We met few more people called dallon, mark(reelbeermedia) , spencer
And a stunning lady called jenna.

And i met this really nice guy called ray toro or something.
Also met some more people

They all were cool.

We all had two things in common.

We all were a part of the "dream" and we all were part of the lgbtq community.


And the whole music class was basicly us.

This felt so cliché.

This was so shitty but i tried
Sorry for any grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes ill recheck that later but for now this is all i got.

Idk how but the plot will have alot of turns i think

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