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It was music i found out that josh was in the same class. Shit.

I went and the teacher was there. His name was frank he seemed cool.

Mr frank said that i had to sit next to josh. Great.

I made my way and sat beside josh . He glared at me . I noticed that joshs "group" was not there .

Josh stood up and said "sir,can i change my place"

"No, now please dont interupt me" he said . Mr frank just told us to do whatever we wanted for the day and he will start his lesson tommorow and he said he had an anouncement at the end of the class so basicly he was texting someone the whole class.

Josh sat back pissed and looked at me "so whats your name you fuckwat" he said harshly
I looked at him "m-my names tyler joseph and im sorry if you did not want sit with me i will ask mr frank again if you want" i said as i fiddled with my fingers.

"I would love that i hate sitting next to a fuckwat like you " he said harshly.

"Oh ok ill ask him" i almost got up.

Thats when josh took my hand and pushed me back to my seat. I felt butterflies in my stomach when he touched.

"No wait dont do it please " he said almost too quickly. What even.
" I-i mean he will say no either way" josh said blushing a bit . "Oh ok" i said



"Why tf are you not talking to me have some respect bitch" he said

"Oh sorry im not that good at convos"

"True who would talk to a person like you" josh said

"You" fuck what have i done

"What" he said a bit annoyed

"You. You are talking to me if you hated me you would have just ignored me" i said in a low voice

"How dare you talk to me like that" josh said

"Sorry i did not mean to be mean im so sorry im such a rude person i do not deserve to live my life is not worth it i just know everyone hates me because im so mean i never meant to say that im so sorry josh" my voice cracked a bit im almost crying shit shit.

"T-tyler" josh said suprised

"Im so sorry" i said looking at him

" tyler im-" he was cut off by mr frank

"Alright class so i have an assignment thing for you and you have to pair with the person sitting beside you and you have to get to know about each other and write a poem with five lines that describes that person in your perspective you have one week for this now thats it class dismissed"

Wait but theres 30 more minutes for school to end oh well i guess i have to go home alone

i texted beebo and my other frens that im gonna leave early and stuff. Because im not very patient to wait for my frens for 30 minutes.

I packed my stuff and when i got out josh grabbed me by the shoulder.

"Um since my frens are not here and my car wont arrive until thirty minutes can i walk with you home" josh said nervously still keeping a straight face.

why is he being so nice suddenly.

"Never think im gonna be frens with you. You will never reach my standards im just saying because im bored" josh said.

Nvm he hates me. "Oh ok"

We were walking out of school he called his driver and said that hes not coming and he was texting his gf the whole time so i was kinda zoned out.

"The assignment" josh said
i let out a squeak because i was zoned out and he kinda scared me for a sec

Josh laughed at my squeak. Wow his laugh was amazing i looked over at him hes a fucking god oh my god. He looks so good so fucking good. But his personality makes this very weird.


"S-sorry" i blushed . Shit.

"Uh yeah the assignment" i said

"I hate it that YOU are paired up with me"josh said

"Sorry" why do i say sorry so often

×joshs pov×

I hate this. Why is he so nice. Hes so pretty . Hes so cute. Nonono i cant im not supposed to do. You know what fuck it.
"Im sorry" i said
Shit that sounds so weird im supposed to be TOUGH im supposed to bully

"Dont ever say sorry you never made a mistake im the one who is supposed to say sorry because i always make mistakes" tyler says

Nonono why is he doing this to himself .thats when i noticed somthing when tyler streched his sleeves came down and i saw scars horrible scars on his hands.

Thats it.

I hugged him in the middle of the walk.

He looked like he needed one.

He felt so warm the hug felt so warm.

Its the first day i met him yet i feel like we know each other for a longtime

i dont care about my manliness hes so soft and warm hes so perfect.

Thats when i heard sobs .

Tyler was crying.
It feels like hes so hurt.

I want to protect tyler but i cant im the one whos causing it but i AM suposed to cause it because-
"thank you jish". jish. his voice is so perfect

I have debby. But this is a frenly love .
"Ill be here for you"i said i cant promise but i will try my best .


I love josh i dont care this is the first day . I like him. He is straight he has debby . I dont care. I love him as a fren.

I pulled away and looked at him smiling. He smiled back. He did somthing i did not except.

He held my hand .

Its so warm.

"wanna come over to my home tommorow ty" .ty.

"Ok sure jish" that way we walked to our home holding hands

This felt so cliché.

Why does jish act mean whats the thing behind the act will josh still be mean to tyjo
Find out in next ep of cliché

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