Like I knew it

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Wind knows everything
Levitation of manuscripts
Waving through various aspects
and whispering in ears

Like I know it already
But I'm unable to raise the curtain
From the deep depth of meaningless
Discoveries dwelling inside

Engraving the fragmented speech
Conjures me to confine my words
Every single wave of intensity
Willing to tell me a storyline

Like I know it already
But I'm ingested by my own marsh
Created while realizing truth
But ignoring their fake-ism

Sea was gazing and listening to me
With assurance of mental breakdown
Swaying within captivated
Territory of sprinkling jumps

Like I know it already
But even listeners made it to pass by ears
The presence was imaginary
For this meaningless performer

Multitude wanted new shows
Like old opera was irritating them
with the same old melodies and Orchestra
Swapping away on demands

Like I know it already
But a pilot just knows how to fly
Duty for the passengers
With all the faith they have

Later, you'll be stranger for many
You can be blamed for some reasons
There is no arguments
As you're not here to demand

Like, like I knew it already, I knew it all
I knew it and still it tells a new tale
And I just stand beneath cloudy shades
To listen what wind is telling me now.

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