You know it already

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What is you, what is me?
What is life and what is flee?
Being alive isn't alive
Threat to live is a dive
You know too much
That's why you know nothing
And when you're nothing
You know everything
Distances aren't distances
Your heart knows instances
Standing high is not high
Reaching depth to quit fly
You stand on sky counting heights
But depth is doubled your sights
The bilateral visibility of every matter
You may see one side to get flattered
When you know it soon
That there is no eclipse to moon
For one it's risen for another it's set
One wins first attempt others are loosing the bet
Energy is centralized but segmented
Your blindfold never see it as fragmented
Death isn't death it's the second phase
Circulation maintained for every chase.

Who am I? Unknown Where stories live. Discover now