Chosen or Choice

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They just called for the last meeting
Like I was the one, chosen for end heating
When the speech had no words to burst
They grouped me for the special seating

May be, say me, I've forgotten the embarrassment
Treatment with the unknown harassment
Like a cloth was beaten over stone
Has forgotten the sense of groan

I asked 'em, why have you chosen me?
There could be endless buddy to free
The gentle reply was, nobody was ready
For being a bait for lifetime to be

Like a simple reply, not low not high
I got the answer, let me fly
But I was smiling even after knowing the death center
Nobody was stupid who was ready to die

But yes! I am, no matter what it costs
At least I won't be in the race of lost
May be I'm the stupid one for everyone
But I'm happy doing my duty even when drowning at coasts

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