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Callie's pov
I woke up the next morning hoping that the events of last night were just a bad dream but soon realized that it was real when I checked my phone and had so many notifications from Jackson and numbers I didn't know who I assumed were Jackson's friends. I thought it'd be best to block Jackson's number because I don't want anything to do with him.

I got up and got dressed. I wore a white halter neck crop top with dark wash high waisted shorts and my black high top vans. I straightened my hair and decided to go hangout with my "friends" (honestly I forget their names I have to go back and look oops..) because I wanted to forget lay night, or try to at least.

I grabbed my penny board and rode to where we always hung out. The old parking lot on the shoreline, there was never anyone there except for us and it was so beautiful and peaceful there. We all had a soft spot for nature and it's beauty.

Once I got there everyone was there except (going to look up names now 😂) he was always late. Joey was by far my favorite person out of the group. Yes he's a player and yes he does illegal things but to be fair I am too and I do too, there's just something about him he's more honest and sweet. He won't pressure you into something, he'll be there for you, and he knows his boundaries when it comes to anything really. Then there's also a plus, he's hot as hell. (Pic in media)

When Joey showed up we all went to the part of the parking lot where we couldn't be seen and we drank but we made it fun because we did a trivia challenge where we all had questions and asked everyone and if you got it wrong you had to take a shot and take off a piece of clothing. Brayden was the first one out, then Kayla so it was just me and Joey. I had on my undergarments and my shirt, while Joey had on pants and boxers. I was determined to win mainly because I didn't wanna be fully naked in front of any of them even not fully sober I wasn't stupid.

"You have two yardsticks and 12 inch ruler. How many feet do you have?" I asked I figured he would get it wrong because he sucks at math. And I was right.
"6" he replied confidently.
"No you're wrong it's 7" I said while laughing.

Joey took off his pants and then decided he didn't want to play anymore giving me the win and I was very happy about that.

Afterwards we went home and got our bathing suits and then went to the beach that was by the parking lot. The water was freezing but it also felt good since it was so hot outside. At this point and time I wasn't thinking about Jackson at all and I was so thankful for that.

Jackson's pov
I tried texting Callie and I also had some of my friends text her but there was no response. After a certain amount of time my texts stopped delivering and I figured she blocked me. I have no idea what I did, I don't know why she hates me so much, I apologized for every wrong thing that I did but I guess that wasn't good enough. I need to figure out what's going on with her.

To get her off my mind I went to the beach again, I loved the beach it was my favorite place to think or forget about things, it's just so calming. I got to the beach but it wasn't the same one as yesterday. It was by a parking lot that looked really old. At first I though maybe I should go somewhere else but the view here was so beautiful, I couldn't help but stare at it, then I noticed some people in the ocean. I decided to not bother them until I noticed one of those people was Callie and she was with a boy like really close with a boy. It made me upset and I left. I didn't want to care anymore so I tried not to but it was so hard.

We're almost at 700 reads which is so crazy because there were only like 500 2 days ago, thank you guys so much you have no idea how much it means. Every time I see the number get higher my eyes get so wide and it's just an amazing feeling that you guys like what I write so thank you so much and I love you guys so so much😭💗 Also don't forget to comment and vote😊
Shoutout to kristina_amy for voting 💞

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