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How do you guys feel about Joey and Callie? Let me know in the comments. Also if both joeys are ever in the same part Joey Birlem will be Joseph so there isn't confusion😊

Callie's pov
After swimming and playing around in the ocean I decided it was time to go home. The drive home was quiet and peaceful, on the way I thought about how much fun today was, I hung out with my friends who always do illegal things and by the end of it we were doing something that was actually legal and it felt good. My thoughts stopped once I got home, I went upstairs showered and fell asleep.

"Why are you this way?" Joey asked
"Honestly I don't know" I replied
"But I know you weren't like this before you came here, you can tell. The way you look at things, your attitude towards other people, and your personality overall. You were sweet and innocent, what changed?"
"Well back home I was bet on and then they were real feeling but then when I knew I was moving I had to let him go, the feelings weren't serious we had only talked for about a week so it was easy, but then I started thinking about all the bad things that would happen if I gave him a chance and it made me want to forget him completely and it helped and you guys helped but now I want to be the innocent sweet girl I was before and I don't know how to be" I replied truthfully.
"You can still be that person and I can help you be that person"
"I appreciate that, but why are you this way?" I asked hesitantly
"Because when I was..."

And then I woke up. Thank god that was just a dream, I don't want them to know about the real me, not yet at least. But could they really tell? Was it really that obvious? And is Joey really that way for a reason? Many thoughts slipped through my mind but I ignored them.

I wonder if maybe that dream meant I should tell them, I mean we're close I think. I'm going to. I invited them all over for a sleepover but it was so I could tell them.

"... and yeah that's why I'm the way I am." I said with a sigh of relief.
"We knew you weren't always a badass" Kayla said laughing, "we were just waiting for you to finally grow some balls and tell us"
"But I also don't want to be a badass anymore, I want to be the old me again but I don't want to lose you guys because of that."
"You wouldn't lose is because you didn't want to drink or smoke weed every night, we'll be here when you need us whether it's because you want to be a badass or because you just want us there as friends." Brayden said. He was always so sincere, even under the influence.
"Thank you guys, it means so much I'm glad I get to call you my friends." I said and got up to hug them all.

Good or bad Callie? Comment. Also I'm gonna start something new. I either get a certain amount of votes and comments and I'll update or I'll do it once or twice a week. So when I get to 50 votes and 10 comments (not including mine) I'll update again😊 also if you comment multiple times it doesn't count. But anyways ilygsm💗
Shoutout to magcon_lover74 for voting ❤️

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