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Hello people.
If you haven't read my conversations board, DO SO NOW!

Ok so once you come back from reading that you may notice I am no longer doing a question of the day. I am not doing a recruits goal.
If we reach that goal then I do something in here to say "hey! We reached this many recruits in our Kawaii Spider Army! I'm gonna do a whatever to show I appreciate this many recruits!"
There is also another message below this one.

I'm not sure if Boxrunner 3 will be continued. I know a lot of you love it *looks at theEnderzombie2340 and smiles a sad smile* but I'm just not feeling it. I'm not in my mojo.
The Boxrunner series has to end somewhere and I think it will end with book two.
Go to Boxrunner 3 and tell me if I should wipe it from existence or keep Boxrunner 3 but out in the title {discontinued}.
More messages down below

Should I make a book especially for the recruit goals? I will be putting the next goal in there if I do. Comment down below what you think.

Peace out recruits!

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