I need help...

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I feel like crying, but I don't know why. I feel like dying, but I don't know why.
Please don't ask what is wrong. I don't have an answer for that question.
All I know is I need help. I am actually starting to have to fight back the tears. I'm not being bullied or harassed. I'm not scared of anything. I just feel... depressed.
Depressed for no reason.

I think I know the reason...
I'm not ready to talk about it publicly yet though.

I can't fight the tears much longer.
Please send help. I'm not going to harm myself in anyway, because it is stupid. I am being harmed mentally by myself. I let myself believe things. I have this problem I'm not ready to properly talk about.

That is the reason. I'm not going to take a break from wattpad. If I do, there won't be much for me to keep going. If I take a break, I will probably forget about wattpad and won't come on for years.
Just like the first time...

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